Repository of Practices

Migrant Domestic Workers Rights on the Threshold of Czech Households
Type of practice
Migrant women domestic workers face various forms of discrimination on grounds of nationality and gender and in relation to their work experiences of unpaid overtime, low wages, and restrictions on personal freedom. Many are undocumented, engaged in unregulated work and lacking knowledge about their working or civil rights. The employment of migrant women as domestic workers is still an issue in Czechia. This is partly due to the difficulties with work/life balance and care arrangements, which is a result of the institutional framework of the family that reflects traditional gender stereotyped attitudes and practice in the division of household work and care in families, and employment policy that reflects the unavailability of part-time and flexible working arrangements and expensive or unavailable childcare services. This situation results in a heavy double burden for women, who then seek affordable services or assistance with childcare and household work. However, in employing migrant women as cheap labour, families are reproducing gender inequality both inside the family and globally between groups of women. Migrant domestic workers form part of the informal economy due to their undocumented status and due to the unregulated nature of the work. The women face various forms of discrimination on the grounds of gender or racial or ethnic origin, and it can be also on the grounds of unregulated work that often includes excessive working hours, low wages, and restrictions in personal freedom.
The project advocated for equal opportunities for migrant women domestic workers, for improvement in their working conditions and often difficult position in society. The project focused on:
- Migrant women domestic workers in providing direct counselling and workshops
- Employers in promoting standards for fair working conditions
- The general public in raising awareness through a communication campaign
- Policy makers in seeking their support to put in place the legal conditions necessary
Research was carried out on the situation and experience of migrant women domestic workers to develop a knowledge base to inform the change needed. The project employed a multidimensional concept of poverty. It took account of income deprivation, as well as entrapment of migrant women domestic workers, where this work is part of the shadow economy with no formal protection or standards for working conditions. The aim was to enhance quality employment conditions, access to quality supports, and inclusion through better incomes and working conditions for these workers.
The project included a broad range of activities including:
- A unique communication strategy
- Innovation in setting standards in the employment of migrant domestic workers
- Legal and social counselling to migrant women
- Political advocacy to ratify the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers
Main Implementing Organization(s)
Detailed Information
Partner/Donor Organizations
Benefit and Impact
This direct work was supported by a special section of the website covering practical information and contacts for migrant domestic workers. The website of the whole project was divided into three sections: one for the migrant women including important information about their rights and responsibilities; one for the general public including the video spot with the ten commandments as well as research results and other important information; and one for the media focused on the communication campaign including press releases, photos, videos from the conferences as well as information leaflets to download.
Practical information in different languages (English, Russian, Ukrainian) was provided on: residence regulation in Czechia including housing and health insurance with important contacts; citizenship including new and updated information on new regulations; employment; entrepreneurship; social benefits; education; and counseling and contacts.
The potential for lasting change in the conditions of migrant women domestic workers lies in the ratification of the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers. This would have a positive impact on their working conditions through formalizing work relations and introducing control mechanisms.
The project collected the first data on the phenomenon of migrant women domestic workers in Czechia to inform stakeholders and public debate. Meetings and presentations for relevant policy-makers were organised. The project and the research results were presented to the Government Council for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men and to the Department for Equality of Women and Men of the Government Administration Office. The project generated interest and discussion both in Czech society and at a political level. Cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and with the Department for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men of the Government Office was a positive result of this project.
Overall, the project made significant strides in addressing the vulnerable situation of migrant domestic workers and promoting their rights and dignity.
Key Lessons
Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)
Overall, the project's innovative approaches paved the way for meaningful change and increased visibility of migrant women's rights issues. It opened up debate on the situation of migrant women domestic workers both among the general public and politicians. It promoted new standards for the employment of these women. It provided practical support for 345 women and 34 men.
The potential for sustainability of the project lies in having created the conditions for the potential ratification of the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers. The Association for Integration and Migration is continuing its focus on this process of ratification and on the issues of the rights of migrant women, in areas such as public health insurance and position in the labor market.
Additional Resources
Do you know who cleans your place?
Additional Images
Date submitted:
Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.
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Peer Reviewer Feedback:
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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