Regional Reviews 2024
The UN Network on Migration will be posting information on the regional review process on its website. In doing so it has opted to follow the regions that correspond to the UN Regional Commissions, which will be organizing, with the support of and being a member of the Network, a meeting for their respective Member States that serves as the culmination of all regional discussions. Cross-regional and intra-regional discussions that cover Member States of more than one UN Regional Commission, will be posted on all relevant regional pages. The content below outlines the framework for the second round of Regional Reviews of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), as proposed by the United Nations Network on Migration (Network). The proposed framework builds on the first round of Regional Reviews that took place in 2020- 2021, and the outcomes of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) that took place in New York in May 2022.
Regional Information Brief for the UNECE Region
Click hereRegional Reviews Framework
Download hereRegional GCM Talks
More information hereGuidance on Stakeholder Engagement
Click hereRoadmap on Stakeholder engagement in the GCM Regional Reviews 2024
Click hereRegional Reviews: an opportunity for increased regional collaboration
The Network Coordinator is requested by the General Assembly to support Member States in the preparation and organization of the GCM Regional Reviews. Furthermore, Member States request the President of the General Assembly to hold a plenary meeting of the General Assembly in the second half of 2024 to consider the next biennial report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the GCM, as well as the outcomes of the regional reviews, presented by the Coordinator of the Network (annex 1).
To that end, the Network proposes this overall framework for the organization of the Regional Reviews, ensuring a degree of consistency and comparability across regions, as well as adherence to the GCM guiding principles.
The second round of Regional Reviews provides an opportunity to Member States and stakeholders to review implementation of the GCM within their respective regions, including as regards the actions set out in the Progress Declaration and to formulate critical findings and recommendations to inform the 2026 IMRF.
To that end, the Regional Reviews could include discussions on:
- Regional priorities and gaps in the implementation of the GCM based on outcomes of the first round of Regional Reviews.
- Opportunities for strengthening regional and cross-regional cooperation on migration.
- Existing regional migration governance frameworks and ways in which to further integrate the GCM objectives and guiding principles.
- Monitoring regional progress and challenges on implementing the recommended actions set out in the IMRF Progress Declaration.
Considering that most international migration takes place within regions, all relevant subregional, regional and cross-regional processes, platforms and organizations, including the United Nations regional economic commissions (regional commissions) or regional consultative processes, are invited to contribute to the GCM Regional Reviews, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders.
The Network stands ready to support each subregional, regional and cross-regional process, platform and organization in the preparation and organization of their review and encourages their active contribution.
Serving as the culmination of these discussions, the regional commissions, with the support of and being a member of the Network, will each organize a meeting for their respective Member States.
In addition, the Network will organize one multi-stakeholder consultation for each of the five regions that will feed into the meetings of the respective regional commission. The Network will ensure that there is diversity of stakeholders represented, including migrant and youth representatives.
All meetings and dialogues making up the Regional Reviews will result in a summary report that will be shared with the Coordinator of the Network, including for incorporation into the next Secretary-General’s report due in 2024 and any subsequent reporting.
In order to effectively inform the next IMRF, the Coordinator of the Network will further ensure that these reports are submitted to the President of the General Assembly, and forwarded to the co-facilitators of the IMRF Progress Declaration in 2026.
Network support
The Network, at all levels, will support the Regional Reviews in a number of ways:
- The “GCM Talks” will offer an inclusive platform to continue discussions on how best to implement the GCM at the regional level and to provide expert inputs to all relevant subregional, regional and cross-regional processes, platforms and organizations as they review the implementation of the Global Compact within their respective regions.
- Its regional Networks will ensure the coordination of United Nations system support to Member States and stakeholders within their respective regions in preparation of the Regional Reviews. Contact information for each regional Network can be obtained through the Network secretariat at
- The Network will facilitate the meaningful engagement of all stakeholders in the process, while ensuring a coordinated overall approach.
- The Migration Network Hub will offer an easy-to-use platform where Member States and stakeholders will be able to provide inputs, and consult all information related to the Regional Reviews.
- The Network, through its secretariat and regional Networks, will promote the importance and relevance of the Regional Reviews by showcasing practices of GCM implementation on the Hub and by highlighting progress made thus far through regular communications products and updates.
- The Network will also promote pledges by Member States and other stakeholders through its Pledging Dashboard to encourage continued engagement and commitment in the runup to the 2026 IMRF.
Resources needed for the preparation and organization of the Regional Reviews
While the first round of Regional Reviews largely took place virtually, it is to be expected that the next round of Reviews will be hosted both virtually and in in-person or hybrid formats. The Network will circulate a call for funding, principally for travel, under the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (M-MPTF) follow-up and review funding window, which will support the participation of least developed countries and stakeholders, as outlined in paragraphs 48 to 50 of General Assembly resolution 73/195
Preparatory Process
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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