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Regional Information Brief

Regional Information Brief

Updated March 2024

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Region

This Brief provides an overview of the current state of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the UN Network on Migration in United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Region (UNECE) (1). It serves as an introduction and background for the second Regional Review of the GCM which will be hosted by the UNECE on 11 March 2024, at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland (2).

This document contains underlined texts, buttons, and icons that function as external links.

See more information on GCM Regional Review for the UNECE Region


(1). This region includes the 56 Member States of the UNECE Region.

(2). The GCM Regional Review in the UNECE Region will take place back-to-back with the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development.


Download the Regional Information Brief for the UNECE Region (PDF)




Note: This map is for illustration purposes only. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations Network on Migration.

Regional UN Network on Migration for Europe and Central Asia (Regional Network)

The Regional Network is embedded in the Issue-based Coalition (IBC) for Large Movements of People, Displacement and Resilience for Europe and Central Asia. Therefore, just like the IBC, the Regional Network focuses on Europe and Central Asia – with the possibility of supporting other countries of the UNECE Region on a case-by-case basis.

Based in Vienna, the Regional Network is co-chaired by IOM, UNDP and UNHCR.

The Regional Network/IBC Terms of Reference are available here.


(3). The UN Brussels Team (UNBT) Migration Working Group collaborates with the Regional Issue-based Coalition (IBC) for Europe and Central Asia, and other existing relevant mechanisms.


70 Practices

from the UNECE Region by GCM objective (28 per cent of all practices).
Please note that most practices cover multiple GCM Objectives.




Number of practices implemented in Member States

Please note that a practice can be implemented in multiple Member States.


Some of the practices have a multilevel scope. However, most are implemented at the national level, which is similar to trends found in other regions.
Member States are the most well-represented type of implementers among the practices featured in the Repository, followed by civil society and IOM.



93 pledges

from the UNECE Region
have been submitted.




The majority of pledges in the region focus on Objectives 2, 7, 15, 16, 17 and 23.
Please note that most pledges cover multiple GCM Objectives




Member States and stakeholders are encouraged to report on Submit new pledges here. the implementation of their pledges through the webform here.
Submit new pledges here.

15 Country UN Networks on Migration established in the region(4)


Click on each country to get direct access to the Country Network’s Terms of Reference.

Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Kosovo.


(4). The Terms of Reference missing on the webpage are currently revised and will be made accessible shortly.

(5). References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

5 Champion countries in the region

Champion countries in the region are discussing possible organization of a Regional Champion country meeting, with the support of the Network, to follow up on the pledges.
Engagement during the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)
The Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations served as one of the co-facilitators for the IMRF Progress Declaration.
Portugal and Azerbaijan served as co-chairs for one roundtable each during the IMRF.

See more information on Champion Countries

24 voluntary GCM reports ahead of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)

UN Network Workshops for 9 UN Country Teams (UNCT)

The UN Network on Migration is leveraging the technical experience and guidance of UN partners globally to support UN Country Teams to integrate migration into planning processes. The aim of these efforts is to strengthen whole-of-UN, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches for implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This work is central to the capacity building mechanism called for in the Compact and reiterated in the Progress Declaration.

This work is central to the capacity building mechanism, called for in the Compact and reiterated in the Progress Declaration, and is facilitated by the Building Migration Partnerships (BMP) programme.




Learn about the type of support available to UN Country Teams, access the Facilitator’s Guide, submit a request for support and meet the Facilitation team here.


Click on each country to get direct access to the UN Network Workshops.
Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan   

Guidance for Member States and stakeholders in implementing the GCM

The way governments implement the GCM differs according to migration contexts and dynamics and migrant needs. Countries and regions have diverse capacities, resources, and institutional/legal frameworks for managing migration. To help our partners establish the structures and systems to ensure effective and sustainable GCM implementation, the UN Network on Migration developed a six-step guidance to help States deliver on their commitments in the GCM.

In the region, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Country Networks have both expressed interest in using the GCM guidance to support their governments with GCM implementation efforts, including through the M-MPTF priority pipeline Joint Programme.

Access the Guidance for governments and stakeholders, submit a request for further information and open the interactive tool here.

Stakeholder engagement

  • European stakeholders have engaged actively in global level Network activities including representation at the IMRF and its preparatory consultations, through interventions in GCM Talks, and are members in nearly all global workstreams. Stakeholders from the region are also co-leading seven out of fourteen global workstreams, including on future health emergencies, alternatives to detention, missing migrants and humanitarian assistance and anti-discrimination among others.

  • The Regional Network/IBC has held several stakeholder inclusive meetings. These include meetings on sub-regional cooperation in Central Asia, a side event on the SDGs and migration in EECA, and a Kosovo national forum on stakeholder partnerships for GCM implementation. Country levels workshops on GCM implementation have been conducted in Kyrgyz Republic and Taijkistan with
    a regional facilitation team including a stakeholder trainer. The workshops include planning for stakeholder partnership actions at country levels.

  • The UK stakeholder working group submitted a report on priorities and GCM progress to the IMRF. The United Kingdom government, along with this stakeholder group, held a GCM Talk entitled Migration and Adaptation in the Context of Climate Change. The stakeholder group plans to continue coordination of key advocacy messages to the next round of Regional Reviews.

  • In the preparation for the UNECE Regional Review, the Network organized three stakeholder consultations in order to draw key messages from civil society on the progress of GCM implementation and recommendations for future action.

  • In conjunction with these consultations, the Network launched a UNECE Regional Discussion Space on the Migration Network Hub where stakeholders post feedback, recommendations and reports on GCM thematic priorities.

  • In partnership with the government of Spain and Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, civil society, diaspora and migrant networks in Spain held a panel on GCM implementation and published a proposal for indicators.



Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (M-MPTF) in the region

The Fund Steering Committee has set the total capitalization target at USD 150 million by the next International Migration Review Forum (2026). To date, considering the most recent pledges, close to 40% of this target has been mobilized from 21 Member States. 



4 Joint Programmes funded by the M-MPTF


4 Steering Committee members





15 Member States from the UNECE Region have contributed to the M-MPTF

with a total contribution of over USD 56 million over  three years.



More information on the M-MPTF

Joint Programmes

4 Joint Programmes funded

in the UNECE region (out of 21 worldwide).







6 Joint Programmes are in the Pipeline

in the region focusing on data; regular migration, decent work and enhancing positive development effects of human mobility; and improving the social inclusion and integration of migrants.




GCM implementation, follow-up and review: Relevant resources and tools

  • Regional Reviews of the GCM (download the framework here).

  • Submit your request to organize regional or national GCM Talks here.

  • Submit your practice as an example of GCM implementation here.

  • Express interest in organizing trainings for UN communications, advocacy or technical staff as well as journalists in your region here.

  • Submit a request for facilitation support to a UN Country Team to integrate migration into planning and programming here.

  • Submit a request here to receive support in implementing the GCM, using the GCM Guidance for Member States and stakeholders.


GCM Review Timeline





*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).