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Migration Netw…

How can the second round of regional reviews build on lessons learned from the 2020 round of regional reviews, and ensure effective focus on regional trends and potential for strengthened international cooperation?

Comment le deuxième cycle d'examens régionaux peut-il s'appuyer sur les enseignements tirés du cycle précédent et garantir un focus clair sur les tendances régionales et sur le potentiel de renforcement de la coopération internationale ?

¿Cómo puede la segunda ronda de revisiones regionales avanzar a partir de las lecciones aprendidas de la ronda de exámenes regionales de 2020 y garantizar un enfoque eficaz en las tendencias regionales y el potencial para reforzar la cooperación internacional?  

Jan 25, 2023
Mohammad Al Maita

UN Network 

I believe that we need to regional and national policy development in participating countries, which is can be mutually supportive, as evidenced in certain regions, where dedicated regional guidance and relevant legal frameworks have been adopted.

 However, not all States participate in such processes, and not all have access to regional and international resources.

 Further research into possible barriers and incentives to such participation, as well as into implications of uneven access to regional and international partnerships and support for countries that face human mobility challenges in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation could help to identify gaps to be addressed through greater international cooperation and resource mobilization.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 13, 2023
Maria Emilia Rinaudo

La primera ronda de exámenes regionales en América Latina y el Caribe, que se realizó en abril de 2021, fue un primer test importante sobre las recientes políticas migratorias y acciones de los Estados de la región y su análisis de la concordancia con los principios y objetivos fijados en el Pacto Mundial. Sin embargo, no siempre se logró en las mesas redondas mantener el foco puesto en los desafíos y en las oportunidades de colaboración entre países. En reiteradas ocasiones, las mesas redondas sirvieron más como una especie de vidriera para mostrar políticas de gobierno que para reflexionar sobre la forma de abordar eficazmente desafíos comunes.

Por ello, es necesario que se analicen detalladamente y se evidencien las brechas existentes entre los países respecto al cumplimiento de los objetivos del PMM y, además, se tome a la Declaración de Progreso del FEMI -que marca aquéllas áreas en las que es necesario que se realicen más progresos- como un punto de partida para las discusiones durante la segunda Revisión Regional.

Finalmente, la coordinación con las plataformas y procesos intergubernamentales regionales y subregionales existentes en materia migratoria (CSM, CRM, PDQ, FEM-MERCOSUR, CAM-OEA, Declaración de Los Angeles) así como los globales en las que participan países latinoamericanos (PDD) es fundamental para propiciar avances conjuntos en el cumplimiento de los objetivos y principios del PMM.


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 14, 2023
Sunjida Rahman

UN Network 

The first round of the regional reviews has shown a number of efficient methods for introducing the voices of migrants and, in the majority of instances, bypassing gatekeepers in CSO dialogues. Therefore, we feel that the upcoming regional review consultations can build on that and guarantee an open and inclusive environment so that anyone and everyone can have the space to participate in the conversation. In addition, it is essential to make certain that the regional review allows for a diversity of ways in which migrants and civil society can self-organize. This implies that no one group in particular cannot serve as a gatekeeper, and that rather, all migrants and CSOs must be able to participate in the review process.

Institute of Informatics and Development



In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 16, 2023
Mouna Khattab
  • La première série d’examens régionaux dans le cas du Maroc a permis au Gouvernement et aux parties prenantes de faire le point sur les progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre du Pacte mondial deux ans après son adoption, d’identifier les  lacunes,  de discuter des priorités régionales et de déterminer les besoins en ressources pour la mise en œuvre du Pacte.
  • Elle a également permis dans le cas du Maroc de consolider l’architecture nationale de gestion de la migration et d’identifier les 35 bonnes pratiques nationales alignées sur les 23 objectifs du Pacte de Marrakech.
  • La formulation des conclusions et recommandations est fortement recommandée, et pourrait inclure également la programmation de réunions régionales ou interrégionales, afin d’adapter les feuilles de routes aux tendances régionales liées à des conjonctures précises, entre autres.
  • En amont de ces deuxièmes examens régionaux, le Royaume du Maroc a abrité les 26 et 27 février janvier 2023, le premier dialogue interrégional des pays champions du Moyen Orient, de l’Afrique et de l’OCDE sur le Pacte de Marrakech sous le thème “Echanges entre pairs sur la mise en œuvre et les actions à venir”. Cette importante réunion a permis de procéder à un échange sur la consolidation du rôle important des pays champions de la migration, ainsi qu’à l’élargissement du nombre de pays champions à travers le partage des leçons apprises et des pratiques optimales, dans la perspective des prochains examens régionaux du Pacte prévus en 2024.
  • Pour continuer sur le même élan, la deuxième série d’examens régionaux devrait fournir une plateforme plus large pour l’interaction entre toutes les parties prenantes, l’échange des enseignements  tirés et  des  bonnes  pratiques,  et  la  promotion  de l’apprentissage entre pairs, afin de contribuer à l’examen du Pacte en 2024.


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 17, 2023
Nathalia Sanch…

UN Network 

  • En la segunda ronda, se deben revisar directamente los compromisos que cada uno de los países adquirió para afianzar los avances que se habían dado en materia migratoria.
  • Se debe revisar cómo superaron los hallazgos encontrados para poder profundizar en los planes de mejora.
  • Generar y/o fortalecer los escenarios de discusión regional para el diálogo y discusión frente a cuáles deben ser las principales acciones respecto de la atención humanitaria y la integración socioeconómica a través de la definición de criterios comunes y estrategias para la gestión de la cooperación internacional y de la respuesta a la población migrante.
  • Posicionar en las agendas nacionales, binacionales, regionales y multilaterales, el enfoque en las causas estructurales de la migración - segundo objetivo del PMM- para encontrar respuestas articuladas que, tratándose de la movilidad humana, se enmarquen en el principio de corresponsabilidad y el apoyo de la cooperación internacional, para generar desarrollo económico, social y sostenibilidad ambiental, que desestimule la migración en condiciones precarias en la región.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 18, 2023
Enikő Csontos

UN Network 


GCM regional reviews – replies from EU institutions on consultation questions

The preparatory work of the UNNM to the IMRF offers a good blueprint of how to build the right momentum towards each regional review, with a process that is both comprehensive and participatory. 

Leading to the IMRF, four meetings were convened per each cluster of GCM objectives, which reflected the IMRF roundtables. This created a positive engagement towards the event, and allowed to ensure that all elements were considered. Given the diversity of themes covered in each meeting, it allowed participants to be able to take part and contribute to each session, focusing on the areas of most interest to them, but touching upon all elements of the discussion in a comprehensive way. This is the only way to ensure that the discussions in the regional reviews and the results can be comparable across regions.

It is recommended that the same model is applied in the lead up to the Regional Reviews of the GCM. The four meetings could be improved with a stronger direction of the discussion, with key questions prepared by the UNNM on the basis of the Progress Declaration of the IMRF and regional specificities. 

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 22, 2023
Katja Schiffer…

There is value in early regional engagement in the lead-up to reviews, in order to more effectively focus on regional trends and strengthen international cooperation. In particular, such early engagement should be used to ensure that existing regional mechanisms are leveraged as much as possible in the lead-up to regional reviews. This would continue to embed the implementation and advancement of the GCM as part of the core work of the existing regional mechanisms.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Paola Cyment

Regional reviews should ensure that the Guiding Principle of gender-responsiveness be meaningfully operationalized in the review processes in each region.

The first round of regional reviews were essentially an experiment–living into a new process.  They took place during the COVID pandemic, and as such were uneven in both practice and outcome. Civil society events prior to the regional reviews heard from a wide diversity of voices. Future reviews could benefit from consistent sharing and clear integration of inputs into formal regional reviews or taken up by Member states. In addition to civil society contributions during meetings and side events, real dialogue and exchange with Member states in the formal review process would strengthen a broad interagency and whole-of-society approach to participation.

Regional Reviews offer a chance to do more than “check a required box”, and represent an important opportunity to utilize the process for real advancement of GCM implementation, to strengthen ongoing regional collaboration, and build strong working relationships with the breadth of civil society. Building on lessons learned from this historical experiment, the way forward for the Regional Reviews must focus on process, not presentation; and strengthen the mechanisms needed to fully operationalize the GCM at regional and national levels in a manner that is truly grounded in a gender-responsive and rights-based approach.

We recommend that Regional Reviews:

  • Commit to appoint and fund a Gender Rapporteur – not only during the regional reviews, but also in the preparatory process. Interpretation/translation should be provided for all interventions/outputs. 
  • Be considered a process, not an event. The goals of the Regional Reviews include deepening national GCM implementation; sharing ideas and practices across Member States in dialogue rather than through speeches;
  • Prioritize capacity building for all stakeholders and Member States to help strengthen ongoing regional collaboration to respond to pressing regional realities with gender-responsive practices and policies. 
  • Include and meaningfully integrate all UN agencies involved in regional migration networks, not only one or two lead agencies. 
  • Work with the full breadth of civil society organizations, creating mechanisms for ongoing collaboration and capacity building that recognize their resource limitations, and address barriers to  full engagement.
  • Recognize directly affected migrants as “experts”, and facilitate their participation in assessing and shaping national and regional policy. 
  • Center women’s experiences and rights in a meaningful, holistic way, across all 23 GCM objectives and national, regional plans. 
  • Strengthen processes for dialogue, transparency and accountability where Member States hear the inputs of civil society and have transparent mechanisms where those inputs are reflected in Regional Review documents and outcomes.

Women in Migration Network/ WIMN
Facebook:  Women in Migration Network – WIMN, @WomeninMigration
Instagram: Women in Migration Network, @wimn_migration
Twitter:  @WomenMigration

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Migration Netw…

How can the regional reviews and its preparatory process serve to track the advancement of the actions set out in the IMRF Progress Declaration to accelerate the implementation of the GCM?

Comment les examens régionaux et le processus préparatoire peuvent-ils servir à suivre l'avancement des actions définies dans la Déclaration de progrès de l'IMRF pour accélérer la mise en œuvre du Pacte ?

¿Cómo pueden las revisiones regionales y su proceso de preparación servir para dar seguimiento al avance de las acciones establecidas en la Declaración de Progreso del FEMI para acelerar la implementación del PMM? 

Jan 25, 2023
Mohammad Al Maita

UN Network 

Continued monitoring and reporting of policy development and practice through the IMRF and through other international monitoring frameworks, under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, constitutes an important avenue towards promoting more integrated, effective and coherent implementation of GCM commitments and of overall action to address human mobility challenges in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation.

The tool proposed as part of IMRF offers guidance to governments and to other stakeholders both for policy development as well as for voluntary monitoring and reporting on the implementation of these specific GCM commitments.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 13, 2023
Maria Emilia Rinaudo

A través de los informes nacionales que presentarán los gobiernos en el marco de las revisiones regionales, éstos podrán refrendar sus compromisos con las acciones y compromisos establecidos en la Declaración de Progreso del FEMI. Un aspecto que generó debate en la definición de la Declaración de Progreso fueron las migraciones ambientales motivadas por los efectos adversos del cambio climático. Sería positivo que en la próxima revisión regional se pueda favorecer la profundización de una postura regional sobre la temática de desplazamientos forzados por
desastres de origen natural vinculados al cambio climático.

Por otro lado, las Redes de Naciones Unidas sobre Migración que se han ido formando en los distintos países desde la constitución del UNMN deben formar parte activa del proceso de revisión y continuar con los contactos continuos con autoridades diplomáticas y migratorias en preparación a las revisiones regionales y el FEMI.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 14, 2023
Sunjida Rahman

UN Network 

The IMRF Progress Declaration is being implemented on a national level, whereas it is being monitored at the regional level. Transparency and accountability in the implementation, however, cannot be ensured without regular monitoring at the national level. In order to accomplish this, government officials, civil society organizations, migrant workers, UN authorities, and implementing partners must get together at the national level prior to the regional review to follow up on the progress. The outcomes of the stakeholder consultations could be presented at the regional reviews.

Institute of Informatics and Development
Dhaka, Bangladesh


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 16, 2023
Mouna Khattab
  • Le grand mérite de la déclaration d’avancement adoptée à l’issue des travaux de l’IMRF est orienté vers l'action. Elle permet aux Etats de disposer d’une « feuille de route » pour la en œuvre du Pacte.
  • Les examens régionaux du Pacte Mondial ne doivent pas être de simples réunions ponctuelles, mais des opportunités pour mener des réflexions de fond sur un processus inscrit dans la continuité et de la mise en place des actions susmentionnée.
  • Ils permettraient une identification des principaux défis, des opportunités et des questions émergentes liées à la mise en œuvre du Pacte mondial, ainsi que les possibilités de renforcer la coopération internationale en matière de migrations internationales.
  • Les examens régionaux doivent également être une occasion pour sensibiliser sur la mise en œuvre effective du Pacte de Marrakech, le partage entre pairs et la formulation de conclusions et recommandations permettant aux Etats concernés de se situer au regard de la tendance générale, d’identifier leur savoir-faire, ainsi que leurs domaines nécessitant plus de travail et d’adaptation.
  • Les examens régionaux seront également l’occasion d’échanger sur un nombre d’initiatives visant le renforcement du processus de mise en œuvre du Pacte, telles que la mise en place de cadres de coopération transfrontalière, régionale et internationale en matière de réduction des vulnérabilités et de gestion des frontières, ainsi que l’établissement de plateformes de partenariat avec la société civile, le secteur privé, le monde académique et les institutions nationales chargées de la protection des migrants.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 17, 2023
Nathalia Sanch…
  • Trabajar a nivel regional en el establecimiento de un marco estratégico con indicadores regionales y a nivel país que permita conocer las acciones, hacerles monitoreo, teniendo en cuenta ejes temáticos tales como la regularización, estabilización, tránsito-flujos migratorios y mecanismos de integración como Mercosur y CAN.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 18, 2023
Enikő Csontos

UN Network 

GCM regional reviews – replies from EU institutions on consultation questions

The IMRF recommendations are a good basis to structure the debate or even reporting by States and other actors. This could then serve as preparation for the regional review to be submitted prior to the final general meeting to be held for each regional review.  

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 22, 2023
Katja Schiffer…

Providing voluntary input at past regional reviews and the IMRF has had value, particularly for states to track and see their own progress. However, a more standardized voluntary input structure/template could help better track advancement of actions, while also reducing the work of developing reports. This could also help align reporting with future indicators currently being worked on under workstream 1 of the UNNM Workplan.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Paola Cyment


The UN Network on Migration can actively promote the online pledges, including with a grid of coinciding pledges.  Where are there synergies?  Spaces for collaboration and mutual learning?  Where do civil society pledges connect with those of UN agencies and Member states?  How might the Network connect these actors to advance mutual goals?  

The Network can create a template of core deliverables emerging from the Progress Declaration as a tool for measuring progress at all levels.  This should also reflect cross-cutting GCM principles.  

The indicators being developed as an outcome of the Progress Declaration  can provide guidance to track advancement of the actions set out in the IMRF Progress Declaration. As part of this process, gender-responsiveness of these actions should be part of the analysis. 

The UN Network and Member States should embrace commitments made in the Progress Declaration to address systemic racism as it impacts migrants and migration policy.  This should be through the Race Workstream of the Network as well as within national implementation plans and regional coordination.  It should be a measure of progress in the regional reviews, as should gender. 

The Network and regional conveners can  promote and support shadow reports from civil society to ensure accountability of state-led action in relation to the commitments made both in the GCM and in the Progress Declaration, including  GCMguiding principles.


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Migration Netw…

How can meaningful stakeholder engagement best be ensured in the regional reviews, as well as a whole-of-government approach?

Comment garantir au mieux un engagement significatif des parties prenantes dans les examens régionaux, ainsi qu'une approche pangouvernementale ?

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de garantizar una participación significativa de las partes interesadas en las revisiones regionales, así como un enfoque integral de gobierno?  

Jan 25, 2023
Mohammad Al Maita

UN Network 

Stakeholders, including the civil society, national human rights institutions, representatives of migrants and local communities, trade unions, and the private sector have an important role to play in ensuring accountability of state-led action in relation to the commitments made under the GCM and to the application of its key guiding principles, such as people-centered and human-rights based approaches, gender responsiveness, child-sensitivity, whole-of government, whole-of-society, and rule of law and due process. These actors also support implementation at the local level, and the tool could be further expanded to enable reporting by a wide range of stakeholders.

Therefore, the practicing of monitoring and reporting of policy development and practice constitutes an important avenue towards promoting more integrated, effective and coherent implementation of GCM commitments and of overall action to address human mobility challenges in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 13, 2023
Maria Emilia Rinaudo

El enfoque pangubernamental y pansocial que tienen las revisiones regionales y el FEMI es el adecuado para alcanzar una participación significativa de las partes interesadas. Sin embargo, resta encontrar un lenguaje común que facilite la comunicación sobre el alcance y el mandato de cada una de las partes y sobre las posibilidades concretas de intervención de cada uno en los distintos campos de la gobernanza migratoria, de forma tal que puedan producirse sinergias productivas.

Por otra parte, sería importante la construcción de alianzas amplias de múltiples partes interesadas en las revisiones regionales, teniendo en cuenta que éstas representan una oportunidad para coordinar acciones en ámbitos regionales, nacionales y locales.
La participación de agencias con capacidad de financiamiento a las partes interesadas sería fundamental para poder hacer realidad muchas iniciativas.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 14, 2023
Sunjida Rahman

UN Network 

Like how member states are requested to draft and distribute the voluntary national report on GCM implementation in advance of the regional review process, they can be asked to prepare and share a voluntary report on the pledges they have made. On top of that, civil society can be encouraged to get involved in reviewing and monitoring the pledges and their implementation.

Institute of Informatics and Development
Dhaka, Bangladesh


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 16, 2023
Sunjida Rahman

UN Network 

Coordination among different ministries on migration concerns has historically been lacking due to a lack of interest and awareness. To promote a whole-of-government approach, ministries, UN bodies, and civil society can renew their call and set a specific target for learning-sharing meetings between ministries. Moreover, they can also establish coordination units to monitor the implementation of GCM, similar to how there are coordination bodies to monitor the implementation of SDGs.

Institute of Informatics and Development
Dhaka, Bangladesh

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 16, 2023
Mouna Khattab


  • Renforcer l’initiative des Pays champions dans la prochaine phase de mise en œuvre, de suivi et d'examen du PMM, notamment en intégrant la migration dans la planification du développement et en alignant les efforts déployés pour le PMM et l'Agenda 2030.
  • Un rôle accru de plaidoyer des Pays Champions afin d’engager les autres pays. Les prochaines échéances des examens régionaux et du second IMRF seront aussi des occasions importantes d’engagement qui permettront d’élargir le nombre de pays champions et de démultiplier leur impact.
  • Encourager une approche transversale et un effort concerté, non seulement entre les différents acteurs gouvernementaux, mais également à travers une implication accrue du secteur privé, du monde académique et de la société civile.
  • Mettre en place des activités de sensibilisation et des stratégies de communication ciblées. Le rôle de sensibilisation et de communication stratégique pourrait être encadré par l’OIM et le Réseau des Nations Unies sur les Migrations.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 17, 2023
Nathalia Sanch…
  • Estableciendo y/o fortaleciendo la gobernanza migratoria de los países a través de los escenarios de articulación nacional y territorial definidos, que como se ha visto en los últimos años, han venido fortaleciéndose y avanzando en la definición de estos escenarios.
  • Coordinando las agendas de los foros y mecanismos regionales para evitar la duplicidad de esfuerzos, que desestimulan la participación de los diferentes actores.  

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 18, 2023
Enikő Csontos

UN Network 


GCM regional reviews – replies from EU institutions on consultation questions

The IMRF Preparatory Roundtables were also meaningful regarding stakeholder engagement, an example that could be repeated in the regional reviews. It is up to each participant to ensure a “whole of government approach” when expressing positions in the regional reviews or reporting about GCM and IMRF implementation or pledges.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 22, 2023
Katja Schiffer…


Regional reviews present an opportunity to bring stakeholders and other levels of government to the forefront of our discussion on implementation of the GCM. Meaningful stakeholder engagement would benefit from agendas and events designed around their participation.  This is especially true of main events included in the agenda for regional reviews – events should be centered on hearing from stakeholders, as regional reviews look to include stakeholders in core or main sessions, and it should avoid limiting stakeholders participation to only side events.

In addition, having meeting information and agendas available and shared well in advance will help to better facilitate inclusion of stakeholders, so that stakeholders and states are prepared to engage at the sessions. The accreditation process should also be examined to see if there is a more accessible way for stakeholders to participate at meeting, rather than the approach taken at the IMRF.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Paola Cyment


The regional reviews should be more inclusive and expand to civil society groups that did not have the chance to participate in the previous round. It is important to listen to those organizations working on the frontlines. In order to achieve this, there should be broad communication and prior consultations with civil society in each region. Organizations involved in work streams can play a supporting role in reaching  out to their networks. 

Regional reviews should have an intersectional approach and ensure broad representation, including LGTBIQ groups, indigenous and Afro-descendant migrants, and migrants with disabilities. 

There should be consistent channels of communication for civil society with coordinators of the Reviews and regional migration networks, and clear methodologies for civil society organizations to contribute to the regional reports.  

There is a disconnect between the global UN Network on Migration and regional UN networks. In some regions, civil society organizations have been asked to facilitate working groups without any resources. UN agencies must  provide capacity building, financial support, and translation/interpretation for local groups to engage.  Without such support, the process does not live up to the GCM, which puts migrants at the center.  


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Migration Netw…

How can the regional reviews serve to accelerate the implementation of pledges made?

Comment les examens régionaux peuvent-ils servir à accélérer la mise en œuvre des engagements pris ?

¿Cómo pueden servir las revisiones regionales para acelerar el cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos?

Jan 24, 2023
Mohammad Al Maita

UN Network The regional review could serve as a pilot analysis and can be used as such or further adapted by governments and relevant stakeholders to track the implementation of GCM commitments related to human mobility in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. This review can also serve as a supplementary point of reference to guide implementation, as it highlights available guidance on this topic and provides examples of relevant instruments and practices, as well as a useful resource for researchers and practitioners for further analysis of policy development in several countries.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 13, 2023
Maria Emilia Rinaudo

Las revisiones regionales son una oportunidad para que los gobiernos, la sociedad civil y otros actores claves compartan sus desafíos para el cumplimiento de sus compromisos en el marco del PMM. No obstante, en el caso de los gobiernos el cumplimiento de los mismos o el paso del avance hacia el cumplimiento puede depender de factores internos que escapan a los procesos de revisión. Las revisiones regionales pueden servir efectivamente a ayudar a los países a alinear sus políticas migratorias con el Pacto, velando por el respeto de sus principios y midiendo el impacto de cada política en relación a los objetivos propuestos. 

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 14, 2023
Mouna Khattab
  • Par le biais d’une évaluation des progrès globaux réalisés dans la mise en œuvre des 23 objectifs du Pacte mondial à tous les niveaux ;
  • L’accélération de la mise en œuvre des engagements pris peut être atteinte à travers trois paramètres : l’échange entre pairs, le partage des leçons apprises et la dissémination des bonnes pratiques développées par les pays ;
  • Les examens régionaux constituent une occasion pour sensibiliser les Etats sur la centralité des données sur la migration conformément à l’objectif 1 du Pacte  notamment du triptyque, « collecte, analyse et prédiction » permettant une approche proactive sur les tendances migratoires ;
  • Le Maroc reste convaincu qu’il existe une réelle responsabilité collective pour assurer une gestion informée, efficace, humaine et pragmatique de la migration dans ses proportions réelles, loin des stéréotypes et des discours déformant la réalité de la migration, chose qui doit être renforcée lors des examens régionaux.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 17, 2023
Nathalia Sanch…
  • Mediante la identificación de buenas prácticas, y procesos de aprendizaje, que permiten que los países repliquen y/o tengan en cuenta para no partir de cero en la definición de los procesos.
  • Tener en cuenta las lecciones aprendidas para no incurrir en las mismas acciones.
  • Focalizar recursos y acciones en aquellos países que estén rezagados en la implementación del Pacto Mundial.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 18, 2023
Enikő Csontos

UN Network 

GCM regional reviews – replies from EU institutions on consultation questions

Regarding the pledges, it is much appreciated that those can now be tracked on a dashboard. It would be useful to know how UNNM envisages to monitor the implementation of the pledges and whether they will be analysed in the process of the preparation of the regional reviews so that those can build on any lessons we can draw regarding the implementation of the pledges, measures also against to the recommendations of the IMRF Progress Declaration. An analysis/report per region could orientate the regional reviews and also help matching pledges across regions.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 22, 2023
Katja Schiffer…

In order to accelerate the implementation of pledges made, we propose that states identify priority themes/pledges on which they would like to see more advancement, and for which they believe international cooperation and guidance could facilitate such advancement. Regions could then select a certain number of priority thematic or related pledges on which to focus on at the regional reviews, and use these at the regional level as an opportunity for closer international cooperation, exchange of ideas, and lessons learned in order to advance implementation.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Paola Cyment


It would be important to ask Member States to report on progress made on pledges.  This could also be requested of other relevant stakeholders, such as UN agencies and civil society.  


Capacity building that supports Member State efforts in implementation, including  the sharing of experiences, can strengthen pledge fulfillment.  For example, a regional capacity building event on gender responsive implementation in the area of climate displacement and labor rights would allow officials to explore this area together, try on new ideas, and share experiences.  The presence of civil society, including directly impacted women’s organizations, is important to such a process.  


WIMN made a pledge at the IMRF to: 

  • Center the voices and experiences of migrant women in policy deliberations at all levels. 
  • Work with states and the UN System to advance “gender-responsive” policy in a holistic way that recognizes migrant women’s agency and leadership.  
  • Collaborate in efforts to review national GCM implementation, monitoring and evaluation frameworks with a gender lens and support knowledge-sharing and capacity-building on gender and migration as resources allow.
  • Advocate for strong gender indicators for GCM implementation
  • Advocate for a Gender Rapporteur at all regional and global GCM-related processes.

In order to fulfill that pledge, WIMN and broader civil society needs:

  • An active presence in shaping emerging indicators.
  • Commitment by the UN Network on Migration and member states to address “gender responsiveness” in a holistic and meaningful way.
  • Funding for capacity building and for the participation of migrant women’s organizations in regional and global advocacy spaces.
  • Commitment to institutionalize and fund gender rapporteurs at the upcoming regional events (including funding for interpretation and translation of reports), as well as global events. 
  • Commitment to bringing a gender perspective to all 17 of the UN Network Workstreams, and to coordinate efforts across workstreams around gender.  

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Migration Netw…

How can the UN Network on Migration best support the regional reviews?

Comment le Réseau peut-il appuyer au mieux les examens régionaux ?

¿Cuál es la mejor manera en que la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre Migración apoye las revisiones regionales?

Jan 25, 2023
Mohammad Al Maita

UN Network 

UN Network on Migration can support to illustrate existing instruments and practices of interest that could inform further policy development. Some overall observations can be derived from the general review of instruments compiled in the global database, and from the more detailed analysis of instruments in the involved countries against selected GCM commitments.

UN Network on Migration also have an important role to play in supporting governments in their policy development and implementation efforts, through capacity development, fund mobilization, expertise and development of tailored guidance on particular aspects and gap areas highlighted in this mapping. Recommendations for these actors focus also on supporting country-level policy analysis and monitoring and reporting under the GCM, including by using, adapting and adjusting the indicators-based tool proposed here. The United Nations system also has a key role to play in ensuring complementarity of action and collaboration in the follow-up to the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants and the implementation of the GCM and of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 13, 2023
Maria Emilia Rinaudo

Para las revisiones regionales las diferentes Redes de Naciones Unidas sobre Migración podrían ofrecer el mismo tipo de soporte que ofrecieron para el FEMI (webinarios, consultas con expertos, evacuación de dudas, etc.) el cual se demostró eficaz a la hora de la preparación del informe voluntario, el envío de las buenas prácticas y la preparación para las mesas redondas.

Además de su asistencia técnica, la Red podría apoyar las revisiones regionales por medio de su apoyo económico o financiero, en aquellos casos que requieran soporte para asegurar su participación en las reuniones presenciales.

Por otra parte, la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre Migración podría apoyar las revisiones regionales por medio de la inclusión de la temática de las migraciones ambientales en sus deliberaciones y reuniones, teniendo en cuenta que es una cuestión que ha adquirido relevancia en los espacios regionales en los que participa la República Argentina, específicamente en el MERCOSUR, en la Conferencia Sudamericana sobre Migraciones (CSM) y en la Red Iberoamericana de Autoridades Migratorias (RIAM).

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 14, 2023
Sunjida Rahman

UN Network 

Firstly, there needs to be better coordination between the UN Network’s regional and national bodies. Moreover, engaging the national UN Network on Migration from different countries, especially the Champion countries to promote dialogues between Member States and cooperation among UN agencies, and with various stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector and migrants themselves share progress, good practices and identified gaps of GCM implementation for further improvement. At the national level, the UN network on migration can also support local-level consultation, and pre-regional review consultations to follow up with the Government’s pledges and also to bring the voices of migrants into the progress declaration.

Institute of Informatics and Development
Dhaka, Bangladesh


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 16, 2023
Mouna Khattab
  • Accompagner les Etats dans leurs efforts de préparation aux examens régionaux ;
  • Assurer l’étroite collaboration entre toutes les composantes du système des Nations Unies, concernées par le Pacte de Marrakech ;
  • Mobiliser toutes les ressources du système des Nations Unies, notamment à travers le Fonds d’Affectation Spéciale Pluripartenaire pour la Migration (MPTF), et mettre son expertise à la disposition des Etats membres en se basant sur la collaboration entre les différentes entités composant le Réseau ;
  • Le plan de travail du Réseau agira comme « boussole » jusqu'aux prochains examens régionaux en 2024.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 17, 2023
Nathalia Sanch…


  • Identificando las dinámicas y necesidades territoriales y su comunicación al gobierno nacional a través de recomendaciones.
  • Aprovechando los escenarios de articulación nación-territorio y las acciones de mejora que allí se promuevan para focalizar las atenciones y acciones de articulación directa con el gobierno nacional y local, de cara al cumplimiento de los objetivos del Pacto Mundial.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 18, 2023
Enikő Csontos

UN Network 

GCM regional reviews – replies from EU institutions on consultation questions

A question we could be asking UNNM is that it would be useful to know how the development of a proposed limited set of indicators to review progress related to GCM implementation, priority in the UNNM workplan 2022-2024, will contribute to the regional reviews and in general to measuring progress in the GCM implementation. How is this work progressing?

There are some horizontal topics in the GCM, for example data on which instead of reporting by the various stakeholders, it would be easier to have reporting by UNNM in the regional reviews on what is being done at multilateral  level to promote data gathering and comparability across the Globe. Similarly, there are also horizontal priorities in the UNNM workplan, such as “Support to the capacity development of Member States and UNCTs for GCM implementation”, where it would be useful to have UNNM reporting on what is being done by UNCTs in our region (capacity building should include help to prepare national GCM actions plans etc).

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Feb 22, 2023
Katja Schiffer…

The UNNM can best support states in preparing for the regional reviews by developing a critical path leading up the reviews, scheduling meetings and developing agendas well in advance to support planning processes. Early decisions on whether meetings will be virtual, in-person or hybrid will help support the forward planning for delegations, including level of participation and representation, and complementarity with their respective domestic processes that affect GCM implementation. Likewise, early planning around side events could facilitate greater international collaboration and participation in such events.

In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Paola Cyment


UNMN can support grassroots organization’s engagement in the regional reviews by supporting training and providing economic resources for their participation in the process and their presence at the regional reviews.

The Network should work closely with country teams and regional processes as well as a full range of UN agencies, to plan an inclusive Regional Review process. 

The Network Workstreams should work individually and collaboratively to address Progress Declaration Goals in the lead up to the Regional Reviews, creating spaces for Member State, UN agency and stakeholder collaboration around areas of shared priority.  Specific work with regional groups of member states around capacity-building, including civil society (directly-affected migrant women’s organizations among them) can advance work towards the regional reviews.  

The Network can support efforts to think about REGIONAL responses to migration challenges.  Policies at international borders, issues of return and integration, search for missing migrants, climate related displacement, etc., need regional responses.  How might the Network catalyze thinking and regional coordination leading up to and beyond the regional reviews, to think in terms of such regional collaboration?  


In reply to by Migration Netw…

Mar 01, 2023
Sunjida Rahman
  1. How can the second round of regional reviews build on lessons learned from the 2020 round of regional reviews, and ensure effective focus on regional trends and potential for strengthened international cooperation?

The first round of the regional reviews has shown a number of efficient methods for introducing the voices of migrants and, in the majority of instances, bypassing gatekeepers in CSO dialogues. Therefore, we feel that the upcoming regional review consultations can build on that and guarantee an open and inclusive environment so that anyone and everyone can have the space to participate in the conversation. In addition, it is essential to make certain that the regional review allows for a diversity of ways in which migrants and civil society can self-organize. This implies that no one group in particular cannot serve as a gatekeeper, and that rather, all migrants and CSOs must be able to participate in the review process.

  1. How can the regional reviews and its preparatory process serve to track the advancement of the actions set out in the IMRF Progress Declaration to accelerate the implementation of the GCM?

The IMRF Progress Declaration is being implemented on a national level, whereas it is being monitored at the regional level. Transparency and accountability in the implementation, however, cannot be ensured without regular monitoring at the national level. In order to accomplish this, government officials, civil society organizations, migrant workers, UN authorities, and implementing partners must get together at the national level prior to the regional review to follow up on the progress. The outcomes of the stakeholder consultations could be presented at the regional reviews.

  1. How can the regional reviews serve to accelerate the implementation of pledges made?

Similar to how member states are requested to draft and distribute the voluntary national report on GCM implementation in advance of the regional review process, they can be requested to prepare and share a voluntary report on the pledges they have made. On top of that, civil society can encouraged to get involved in review and monitoring process of the pledges and their implementation.

  1. How can meaningful stakeholder engagement best be ensured in the regional reviews, as well as a whole-of-government approach?

Coordination among different ministries on migration concerns has historically been lacking due to a lack of interest and awareness. To promote a whole-of-government approach, ministries, UN bodies, and civil society can renew their call and set a specific target for learning-sharing meetings between ministries. Moreover, they can also establish coordination units to monitor the implementation of GCM, similar to how there are coordination bodies to monitor the implementation of SDGs.

  1. How can the UN Network on Migration best support the regional reviews?

Firstly, there needs to be better coordination among the UN Network’s regional bodies and national bodies. Moreover, engaging the national UN Network on Migration from different countries, especially the Champion countries to promote dialogues between Member States and cooperation among UN agencies, and with various stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector and migrants themselves share progress, good practices and identified gaps of GCM implementation for further improvement. At the national level, the UN network on migration can also support local-level consultation, and pre-regional review consultations to follow up with the Government’s pledges and also to bring the voices of migrants into the progress declaration.

Sunjida Rahman, Institute of Informatics and Development (IID), Bangladesh

Feb 16, 2023
Paola Cyment

Women in Migration Network (WIMN) would like to include comments to the discussion space on regional reviews. In case the previous comments were not added to the thread, we are attaching a document with all the responses. 

Mar 01, 2023

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Network on Migration and its members. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the discussion do not imply expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or the United Nations Network on Migration concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).