Civil society report on the status of compliance with the commitments of the Global Pact on Migration in Spanish politics
Within the process for the first International Migration Forum Review, the Spanish partnership composed by the following NGOs and Civil Society Organisations: Alianza por la Solidaridad, Fundación Cepaim, Médicos del Mundo, Red Acoge y Rumiñahui, we are pleased to share with you the following shadow report: "Civil society report on the status of compliance with the commitments of the Global Pact on Migration in Spanish politics".
This important and strategical work has been developed in partnership with a national network of migrant´s organisations in Spain and the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda funding.
During the implementation process, we have developed important activities in collaboration with international organizations such as IOM, public authorities such as the Ambassador on Special Mission for Migratory Affairs, (Mr José Luis Pardo), European organizations such as PICUM and a large number of organizations of migrants present at the national, regional and local levels.
In conclusion and consequently, the report aims to reflect each and every one of the contributions made by civil society in Spain in the framework of the development of the World Pact on Migration and its IMFR.