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Policies and Practice: A Guide to Gender-Responsive Implementation of the GCM

The purpose of Policies and Practice: A Guide to Gender-Responsive Implementation of the GCM is to provide clear, concrete and practical guidance to governments and other key stakeholders on gender-responsive implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Building on the gender-responsive approach outlined in the guiding principles of the GCM, this guide prioritizes the specific needs, challenges and vulnerable situations of women, girls and gender non-conforming people at all stages of migration due to their increased vulnerabilities to human rights violations and gender-based discrimination. It takes into consideration the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination they may face while highlighting the positive contributions that they make in countries of origin, transit, and destination.  

This guide draws on cross-cutting expertise from international human rights mechanisms, Special Procedures mandate holders, civil society organizations, academia and United Nations agencies that are members of the Expert Working Group for Addressing Women’s Human Rights in the GCM. It comprehensively addresses the linkages between gender and migration in all its dimensions. For each of the 23 Objectives of the GCM, the specific issues relating to migrant women and girls are outlined and concrete measures on how to address them in policies and practice are provided. A concise checklist of actions is included for each Objective to support policymakers in developing gender-responsive migration policies. This guide also elaborates on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant women and girls and identifies specific measures under each objective to mitigate these. 

The guide is intended to be a practical tool for policymakers and practitioners to help ensure that the empowerment of women and girls in migration and the advancement of gender equality are critical considerations in the implementation of each of the GCM Objectives.

Date of Publication
Type of Resource
Target Audience
Source / Publisher
UN Women
Geographic Scope
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
Cross Cutting Theme

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).