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United Nations to Launch Training of Trainers on Implementation of Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration  

Geneva — The United Nations Network on Migration organized its first training of trainers on implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Geneva, Switzerland. This three-day event (28 February - 2 March) is part of the ongoing efforts of the United Nations to provide coherent support to Member States in promoting safe, orderly and regular migration.

Over 40 participants, including nine UN entities and civil society organizations from all regions, received training on how to strengthen the capacity of the six regional and over 70 national UN Networks on Migration and to support the integration of the GCM into the work of UN Country Teams (UNCT).

Based on the Facilitator’s Guide “Integrating Migration into Common Country Analyses and Cooperation Frameworks” developed by the Network, the training taught participants key substantive and facilitation skills to ensure that upcoming GCM-related workshops are tailored to the national context in which they will be delivered. Thus far, workshops are scheduled in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Kenya, Mexico, Mauritania, and Sudan in the coming months and more are in the pipeline.

This training is part of the UN’s commitment made during the first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in May 2022 to including migration in all its dimensions into Common Country Analyses (CCAs), United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (CFs), and other United Nations planning processes.

“At a time when we are losing men, women and children on perilous routes whose only fault was to dream of better lives for their families, and when the impact of climate threatens livelihoods globally, the importance of coming together to advance the GCM has never been greater” said Ugochi Daniels, IOM Deputy Director General for Operations, “this Team of Facilitators will be at the heart of taking this work forward, making sure we go beyond rhetoric and are able to support the transformational change needed in the global approach to migration”

UNCT can request support or information here.

This event is made possible with funding provided by the European Union under the Building Migration Partnerships Programme and unearmarked funding granted to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and internally allocated through the Migration Resource Allocation Committee (MiRAC).

For more information, please contact Alison Talkers at the UN Network on Migration Secretariat: +32 488 15 30 81;


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).