Geneva – The Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (the “Migration MPTF”) announced this week the first six joint initiatives selected to support the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).
From reducing exposure to sexual violence, exploitation, and forced labour of women migrants in South Africa, to addressing the vulnerabilities of families in Tajikistan dependent on migrant relatives, through strengthening the capacity of the Government of Philippines to support overseas workers, the Migration MPTF is poised to address migration challenges and make a positive impact on the lives of migrants all over the world.
Other joint programmes will be implemented in North Macedonia to support the development of an evidence-based migration policy; in Chile and Mexico, to promote the socio-economic integration of migrants and forcibly displaced persons through decent work and livelihoods; and at the border area between Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, to strengthen border management, social cohesion and cross-border security.
In total, 56 countries and regions submitted over 74 joint programme concept notes. The first six initiatives were selected by the Steering Committee based on a quality assessment and with due consideration to geographic and thematic balance.
“The sheer number of submissions is testament to the demand for support of Member States and partners in implementing the Global Compact by bringing together our collective expertise and resolve in pursuit of a common goal,” said António Vitorino, Director-General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Chair of the Migration MPTF Steering Committee. “These initiatives offer concrete illustrations as to how joining efforts can make safe and regular migration work for all,” he added.
“The joint program illustrates the pioneering role of the United Nations which, by delivering as one, can provide practical responses to major issues of international cooperation,” said the UN Resident Coordinator in Guinea, Vincent Martin. “By building regional cross-border collaboration between three countries, we can explore the real potential for development and leave no one behind” he added.
Called for by the GCM and established by the UN Network on Migration in May 2019, the Fund has received support from the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Mexico, France, Thailand and Cyprus and is today fully operational. With partners ready to deliver quality joint initiatives in many countries and regions, the Fund calls for additional resources and stands ready to allocate future contributions in a timely and efficient manner.
Additional programme ideas have been approved by the Steering Committee and constitute the pipeline of joint programmes once additional resources become available.
For more information, please contact Florence Kim at the Secretariat of the UN Network on Migration: +41 79 7480395; fkim@iom.int
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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