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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2305

Submission information

Submission Number: 2305
Submission ID: 8071
Submission UUID: 69c973f0-ed81-4ec7-8c32-01eb1e9167cd
Submission URI: /submit-pledges

Created: Mon, 08/01/2022 - 00:31
Completed: Mon, 08/01/2022 - 00:31
Changed: Tue, 08/02/2022 - 18:33

Remote IP address:
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes
Section I
Name of entity submitting the pledge: The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the City of Esteban Echeverria
Pledging entity: Cities, Municipalities, and Local Authority
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?: {Empty}
Full name: Pablo Mariani
Position: KMO
Country of implementation: Argentina (70)
Other country of implementation: Global (23641)
Region of implementation: {Empty}
Email Address:
Secondary contact person: {Empty}
Secondary email: {Empty}

Section II
Name of the pledge: Renewal of the programme to promote human rights for migrant persons in Esteban Echeverria
Type of pledge (please select): Individual (by one state/actor)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?: {Empty}

Section III
Nature of the pledge: Process oriented (e.g. convening fully consultative processes in preparing national reports for  the IMRF); structured

Section IV
Please select the main three GCM objectives the pledge is/are meant to support: 7. Address and reduce vulnerabilities in  migration; 15. Provide access to basic services for migrants; 16. Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion; 23. Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration

Section V
Please indicate which GCM Guiding Principle is/are particularly relevant for the pledge:
People-centred (738); International cooperation (739); National sovereignty (742); Rule of law and due process (741); Sustainable development (740); Human rights (259); Gender-responsive (258); Child-sensitive (257); Whole-of-government approach (737); Whole-of-society approach (736)

Section VI
Please provide a description of the pledge:
Through this comprehensive programme of care for migrant persons and refugees, the municipality of Esteban Echeverría seeks to ensure the defence of the rights in an adverse socio-political context. 

It works on three lines of action to enable the integration of migrants and refugees:
- Documentation:
o Identity 
o Residence
o Citizenship
- Territorial Strengthening
- Social and cultural integration activities

In conjunction with the National Directorate of Migration and the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER), the municipality offers workshops to promote the rights of migrants. Neighbours can carry out procedures to facilitate remote settlement, renewal of documentation and speed up the granting of residency to foreigners. Training workshops and advice on Law No. 25,871 on Migration and electoral participation are also provided.
To strengthen integration in host communities, the municipality promotes the development of social and cultural activities together with diaspora communities and organisations.

Work is carried out through the entities, to support the customs, experiences and festivities of each country. The aim is for the neighbours of Esteban Echeverría to share the customs of their country and feel "at home".
There have been Bolivian entries, meetings of Paraguayan residents, Spanish paellas, rice cultivation, among other activities.

Section VII
Please indicate the tentative deadline within which this pledge is expected to be realised: 31 Dec 2024

Upload project document: {Empty}

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).