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Collection and dissemination of migration data

In furtherance of the GCM objective 1 to collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies, we pledge to develop and implement an Action Plan on migration data collection, analysis and use. In earnest consideration of the whole-of-government principle envisioned by the GCM, the process will be led by the inter-ministerial Technical Working Group (TWG) on Migration Management which plays a leading role in the development and implementation of the National Migration Management Strategy. By the next IMRF in 2026, we will be publishing key migration statistics to inform the international community, academia, and other interested stakeholders.

We furthermore pledge to hold a series of consultations throughout the remainder of 2022 for the purpose of drafting a national law and policy for data protection and data security. These consultations will build off of the Legal Framework for Data Protection and Data Security workshop that was held in March 2022 and a Data Collection workshop held in April 2022 with support from IOM, in which the Technical Working Group reviewed relevant national laws aimed at protecting migrants’ right to privacy and considered ways forward in ensuring that improvements in data collection occur in tandem with improvements in data protection and data security.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).