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ILO Pledge for the International Migration Review Forum 2022

Migrant workers make up 70 per cent of all working-age migrants. They contribute important skills, talent and cultural diversity but experience rights violations; inequality of treatment; and are denied access to social protection. Women migrant workers are in many cases particularly exposed to risks of abuses.

Fair and effective labour migration frameworks based on international standards and decent work principles which apply to all migrant workers regardless of status are critical to achieving the objectives set out in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and to creating a more equal and just society.

ILO will continue to bring together governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, UN agencies and other stakeholders to support the achievement of the GCM by increasing the rate of adoption and implementation of fair and effective labour migration frameworks, institutions and services to protect migrant workers and to support a business environment conducive to growth in decent work opportunities.

ILO will be guided by overarching commitments to:

- Accelerate efforts to promote ratification and implementation of international labour standards, including ILO`s migration for employment conventions; and

- Expand tripartism and social dialogue in the development and implementation of rights-based, gender responsive labour migration frameworks and policies.

Toward this end, the ILO pledges to:

1. Accelerate global action to implement ILO’s Fair Recruitment Initiative and engage in ILO’s Global Knowledge Hub.

2. Deepen efforts to ensure equitable access to skills development, training and lifelong learning for all, particularly women and men migrant workers.

3. Scale-up the implementation of key policy measures to accelerate the expansion and promotion of access to social protection by migrant workers and their families, including through ILO’s global guidance, training and capacity-building.

4. Strengthen support to ILO constituents, UN partners and other stakeholders to implement international standards, tools and guidance when adopting and implementing bilateral labour migration agreements (BLMAs), including support to UN system-wide guidance on BLMAs adopted by the UN Network on Migration.

5. Expand support for gender responsive national and regional labour migration policies and practices, including in sectors where women predominate, such as the care economy.

6. Mobilize States and stakeholders to develop and implement a just transition to the green economy and decent work opportunities for migrants in their responses to climate change prevention and adaptation strategies.

7. Strengthen partnerships with UN agencies, regional organizations, such as Regional Economic Communities, and other multistakeholder processes.

8. Continue to promote peace, enable recovery and build resilience in crisis situation, and to support decent work opportunities for migrants, refugees and those displaced

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).