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Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration


We commit to take legislative or other measures to prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration by strengthening capacities and international cooperation to investigate, prosecute and penalize trafficking in persons, discouraging demand that fosters exploitation leading to trafficking, and ending impunity of trafficking networks. We further commit to enhance the identification and protection of, and assistance to, Hispanic Migrants who have become victims of trafficking, paying particular attention to women and children.

(a) Promote ratification of, accession to and implementation of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime;

(b) Promote the implementation of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons and take into consideration relevant recommendations of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons and other relevant UNODC documents when developing and implementing national and regional policies and measures relating to trafficking in persons;

(c) Monitor irregular migration routes which may be exploited by human trafficking networks to recruit and victimize smuggled or irregular migrants, in order to strengthen cooperation at the bilateral, regional and cross-regional levels on prevention, investigation and prosecution of perpetrators, as well as on identification and protection of, and assistance to, victims of trafficking in persons;

(d) Share relevant information and intelligence through transnational and regional mechanisms, including on the modus operandi, economic models and conditions driving trafficking networks, strengthen cooperation between all relevant actors, including financial intelligence units, regulators and financial institutions, to identify and disrupt financial flows associated with trafficking in persons, and enhance judicial cooperation and enforcement so as to ensure accountability and end impunity;

(e) Apply measures that address the particular vulnerabilities of Hispanics women, men, girls and boys, regardless of their migration status, who have become or are at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in persons and other forms of exploitation, by facilitating access to justice and safe reporting without fear of detention, deportation or penalty, focusing on prevention, identification, appropriate protection and assistance, and addressing specific forms of abuse and exploitation;

(f) Ensure that definitions of trafficking in persons used in legislation, migration policy and planning, as well as in judicial prosecutions, are in accordance with international law, in order to distinguish between the crimes of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants;

LAST UPDATED: 15 /01/2024

For the past seven years, our Foundation has been providing free services involving humanitarian services to low-income Hispanic women and children living in twelve different mobile home communities throughout Palm Beach County, Florida. From our involvement assisting these women, we have come to the understanding that most of them have illegally crossed the border and are therefore hesitant to discuss their experiences including rape and human trafficking. During our monthly distribution of supplies, our Foundation partnered with and obtained printed materials in Spanish from the Department of Homeland Security, Division Blue Campaign. We distributed a Blue Division key chain (LA TRATA DE PERSONAS ETA OCURRIENDO AHORA) with a 800 number for women to call in case they are victimized and harassed by human traffickers. Some of these women have been raped in mobile home parks and threatened by their offenders who say they will call immigration officials and have them deported. The goal of our Foundation is to reduce human trafficking throughout Florida by providing shelter, education, and an APP to reach us 24 hours to share their location.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).