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To pursuing the negotiation of BLMAs with other countries, with a view to strengthening the effective management of migration flows and to promoting regular employment as a way of ensuring benefits of migration in both host and destination countries

On January 12th 2022, Portugal and Morocco signed a Bilateral Mobility Agreement that will regulate the conditions under which Moroccan workers will be hired to undertake a salaried labour in Portugal.

Portugal is committed to further negotiating Bilateral Labour Mobility Agreements (BLMAs) with other countries, providing legal pathways for a regular and demand-driven migration. In that way, migrants are assured about the transparency of the selection process and informed of their labour rights. Under these agreements, the migrants are subject to the same working condition as a Portuguese national.

These international agreements promote the efficient and orderly management of migration movements, thus providing benefits for both host and origin countries.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).