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Raising awareness on the GCM through multi-stakeholder consultations in Azerbaijan


Taking into consideration that the Republic of Azerbaijan is the “Champion country” on GCM and to encourage the whole-of-society and whole-of-government approaches, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with support of the Representation of IOM in the Republic of Azerbaijan will organize consultations for various stakeholders. Ahead of the IMRF, the multi-stakeholder consultations will be composed of three discussions focusing on cross-societal and cross-government collaboration for more effective implementation of GCM, as well as raising awareness on the International Migration Review Forum and “Champion countries” initiative:

1. First-stage consultations - for youth, students, migration volunteers and volunteers of other relevant areas, participants and graduates of Azerbaijan's “Migration School” project.

2. Second-stage consultations - for representatives of media, academia, civil society and the private sector of Azerbaijan.

3. Third-stage consultations - for officials of relevant state authorities of Azerbaijan.



The State Migration Service, in collaboration with IOM, held three-stage multilateral consultations to raise awareness on GCM, as well as the "Champion Countries" initiative of the UN Migration Network, Sustainable Development Goals and the first-ever International Migration Review Forum. Representatives of relevant government agencies, NGOs, media, migrant communities, academia, youth, students and volunteers participated in the consultations. Thus, these were the most extensive consultations on the Global Compact for Migration organized in the region.

On 30 March 2022, the 1st consultations were organized for representatives of youth organizations in Azerbaijan. Presentations on Global Compact for Migration and Sustainable Development Goals were delivered during the event. The representatives of the Union of Volunteer Organizations of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations' Union and “Migration Volunteer” Public Union shared their insights on how youth was and can be supportive in the implementation of GCM and what stages and steps their contribution would make a difference. 

On 20 April 2022, the 2nd consultation titled “The importance of participation of whole-of-society in the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Azerbaijan” dedicated to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) was organized. Presentations on GCM and the role of civil society organizations in the implementation of GCM were delivered during the event. Representatives of the Migrant Council, the Public Council, the Advisory Board under the State Migration Service, and the Baku State University also shared their insights on how civil society organizations can contribute to the implementation of GCM in Azerbaijan. 

On 11 May 2022, the 3rd consultations were organized with the participation of representatives of various government agencies entitled “360-degree review of international migration in connection with the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration”, dedicated to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF). The speeches of authorized representatives of state authorities and international organizations on the topic were heard, and opinions were exchanged.

  • Yet to Start
  • In Progress
  • Completed

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).