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Strengthen the role of diasporas in German development cooperation

The diaspora as part of the civil society in Germany is a key partner for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Federal Government is therefore committed to further involve the diaspora systematically in German Development Policy:

1) Strengthening/establishing a regular policy dialogue with diaspora (umbrella) organisations. This dialogue started in 2021 and will continue with 1 to 2 consultations per year.

2) Involving diaspora organisations in consultations with the civil society on development-related topics and processes.

3) Continuing and strengthening other exchange formats with diaspora organisations and engaged individuals.

Efforts will be made to establish models of cooperation with the diaspora for the implementation of development projects, in particular those on migration and mobility.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).