Repository of Practices
Delivering as One from National to Community level: Gender Responsive One Roof Integrated Services Office in support of Indonesian Law 18/2017
Secondary GCM Objectives
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Geographic scope
Sub Regions:
In 2020, in accordance with the Law No. 18/2017 on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers which gives a role to the central and local governments to protect women migrant workers and their families at every stage of migration, including at the community level, the Ministry of Manpower agreed to integrate gender responsive services Migrant Worker Resources Center (MRC) with the Governmental One-Roof Integrated Services (LTSAs (Layanan Terpadu Satu Atap). This integrated model:
1) strengthens coordination between village and district level governments in providing comprehensive gender-responsive migration services for Indonesian migrant workers throughout their migration journeys,
2) Strengthens partnership between the government, migrant worker unions and women crisis centers.
3) Provides a simpler, one stop centre for women in accessing information and services.
The final beneficiaries of these partnerships are potential and returnee Indonesian migrant workers and their families. The efforts of collaboration and strengthening service provision mechanisms also strengthens capacities of duty bearers- namely MRC and LTSA staff, local government, village representatives, other Village Task Force members, and non-governmental service providers to provide coordinated, gender-sensitive services to women migrant workers in the community.
Key activities:
• Agreement in law to adopt gender responsive protection services services in the Government One Roof Services Office and strengthen the village based model combining the services of LTSA and MRC
• Development of strategy and framework on the model of multi-stakeholder partnership migrant worker resources center (government-trade union and women crisis center) and villages-based management model to enhance delivery of services to women migrant workers and their families
• Identification of geographical locations to set up LTSA_MRC and partners
• Launch ensuring buy in and ownership of all key stakeholders In June 2021, Cirebon District launched the first LTSA that had been fully integrated with gender responsive services.
The integrated LTSA-MRC has provided outreach services, pre-and post-employment consultation, psycho-social counselling service, case handling, legal aid, training for migrant workers (both potential and returnee) and their families in Cirebon. The others LTSAs have been subsequently launched.
Main Implementing Organization(s)
Partner/Donor Organizations
Benefit and Impact
• Village-based management and information centres have been established in Blitar, Tulungagung, Cirebon and East Lampung to enhance services to promote safe and fair migration, and mitigate the risks of violence against women migrant workers and trafficking in persons.
• Capacities built of key stakeholders in Blitar, Tulungagung, Cirebon and Lampung Timur at district and village level in developing and providing gender-responsive support services, as well as documenting issues of women migrant workers and their families.
• Outreach activities on safe and fair migration, Law 18/2017, women’s rights and EVAW information benefitted more than 1500 direct beneficiaries in Blitar, Tulungagung, Cirebon, Kupang and Lampung Timur.
• Around 1500 potential, current and returnee women migrant workers and their families were provided with support services through the MRC-LTSA Office, including: (i) individual and group counselling on safe migration and employment opportunities (through onsite and hotline services); (ii) case management and referral and informal mediation; and (iii) psycho-social counselling
• Almost 200 migrant workers joined the trade union or migrant workers associations
Sustainability- The Indonesian Government has made recent improvements in their labour migration policies. This includes the passage of Law No. 18/2017. Under article 38 (on the Government One Roof Integrated Services Office for Indonesia Migrant Worker Placement and Protection), Law No 18/2017 mandates national and local governments to carry out migrant worker placement and protection services in a coordinated and integrated manner and it calls for local governments to establish the One Roof Integrated Services Office / Layanan Terpadu Satu Atap (LTSA) to provide an accessible, cheaper, faster and more transparent placement process for prospective migrant workers. Further, in Government Regulation No.59/2021 on the Implementation of Protection of Indonesia Migrant Worker, it is stipulated that the function and services of LTSA also cover the non administrative services such as: employment services, information services, mediation, counselling, complaint mechanism, case handling and legal aid. As it is literally mandated by law, the practice will be sustained
Key Lessons
• Most of the MRC Field Officers or Case Workers are former women migrant workers or migrant workers, therefore, empowering them and building their capacity to not only actively participate in policy development but also in providing services and handling of cases of other women migrant workers.
• Engagement of direct stakeholders including in the form of a Village Regulation and Task Force on the Protection of Indonesia Migrant Worker brought in local ownership as well as strengthened connections with anti trafficking measures. The Village Task Force comprises the village apparatus, youth, and women’s groups, as well as migrant communities. The Village Task Village Force supports village governance to prevent VAW and trafficking by serving as information hubs that connect village communities with labour migration as well as VAW related information/services at district level, including the LTSA/MRC
• The lack of knowledge and understanding required continuous training on gender responsive labour migration issues, anti-trafficking, and the Law 18/2017. To strengthen understanding of the need to provide integrated service, an official letter from the Ministry of Manpower to the Head of District (Regent) was sent to relevant local authority requesting support and facilitation to the MRC establishment and programme. The official letter also explained that the integration of MRC services in the LTSA was government’s priority to accelerate the implementation of Law 18/2017.
• Another challenge was the lack of coordination and cooperation between government, trade unions and women crisis centers as this was also their first time working in a “one roof office” setting to provide integrated services. This challenge was overcome through an intensive process of dialogues, consultations, and capacity development of each stakeholder.
• The COVID-19 pandemic situation with social distancing and other regulations also impacted the implementation of activities. Meetings and training had to be conducted online with some limitations, including IT difficulties.
Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)
Some steps for replication include:
1) Discussions with the village and district officials, trade union and other partners
2) Developing concrete timeline and action plan for provision of services, division of responsibilities based on profile of migrant workers in and from the area
3) Development of context specific materials
4) Launch of LTSA_MRC
5) Regular monitoring
The approach adapted to COVID pandemic by making some meeting online and hybrid when discussions on the model were being conducted.
Additional Resources
Safe and fair migration through Migrant Workers Resource Center
Date submitted:
Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.
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Peer Reviewer Feedback:
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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