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Repository of Practices

Educational measures regarding reception and inclusion of children and young people whose mother tongue is not Portuguese

Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2018 - Present

Type of practice

Policy (including law, public measure)

Geographic scope



Sub Regions:


The Ministry of Education (MoE) carries out educational policies to support the Portuguese language learning, especially as the language of schooling, by offering Portuguese as a second language (PL2)/Português Língua Não Materna (PLNM) subject (instead of Portuguese subject), in primary and lower secondary education as well as in scientific-humanistic courses, specialised artistic courses and VET courses of secondary education.

The educational strategy outlined at national level since 2018 through legislation in force (Decree-Law no. 55/2018 of 6th of July; Decree-Law no. 54/2018 of 6th of July; Ministerial Implementing Order no. 223-A/2018, of 3rd of August; Ministerial Implementing Order no. 226-A/2018, of 7th of August; Ministerial Implementing Order no. 232-A/2018, of 20th of August, Ministerial Implementing Order no. 235-A/2018, of 23rd of August and Legislative Order no. 2044/2022, of 16th of February) seeks to ensure that the students who do not speak Portuguese as a mother tongue or who do not have Portuguese as a language of schooling have equal opportunities within the school system by creating equitable conditions of access to the curriculum and to educational success, regardless of their language, culture, social status, origin, and age.

When students aged 6-18 years are enrolled in the Portuguese education system, an initial interview is conducted where verbal and non-verbal aspects are observed. Additionally, a process of sociolinguistic assessment is carried out through the fulfilment of a form by parents or by legal guardians (identification of the languages spoken by the students; identification of students’ needs). Placement tests are applied to determine the students´ language proficiency level in Portuguese (models available at DGE website). Within this process, students can be placed at one of the following language proficiency levels: - initiation level (A1/A2); - intermediate level (B1); - advanced level (B2/C1), based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) benchmarks. This initial assessment can involve the coordinator of PL2 teachers, multidisciplinary teams, the coordinator of the teacher’s council, among others.

With a view to promoting equity and equal opportunities, the school alongside with parents/guardians, can provide students placed at initiation level (A1, A2) educational responses that facilitate access to the curriculum through the mobilisation of measures to support learning and inclusion, notably progressive integration into the curriculum and through adaptations to both the internal and the external assessment process.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

Government of Portugal

Detailed Information

Portuguese Ministry of Education - Directorate-General for Education (DGE)

Partner/Donor Organizations


Benefit and Impact

To provide for the teaching of the language of the host country is a means to ensure that these children and young people may have equal opportunities within the school system by creating equitable conditions of access to the curriculum and to educational success, regardless of their language, culture, social status, origin, and age.

In terms of external assessment, in the 9th and 12th grades, these students can sit national PL2 tests/exams, replacing the national Portuguese tests/exams. PL2 students positioned at the advanced level (B2/C1) follow the national Portuguese curriculum and may benefit from support classes, by decision of the school, as well as the use of dictionaries, in the context of national tests/exams. Statistics show that PL2 students are successful in national PL2 tests/exams.

The educational measure is included in the legislation in force.

Key Lessons

Given the low academic success rate of these students in the school year in which they are integrated into the education system, the MoE considered the application of a model that comprises the progressive integration into the curriculum and the reinforcement of PL2 learning, as well as the possibility for migrant students to be monitored by multidisciplinary teams, to assess their subsequent educational pathway. These educational measures are in force since February 2022 (vide Legislative Order no. 2044/2022, of 16th of February).

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

To provide for the teaching of the language of the host country is an educational measure that can be replicated in any country which embraces the humanitarian mission of welcoming migrant students.


Applied at national level since 2018/2019 school year, following educational measures taken since 2006 by the MoE. The integration model set out by legislation in force since February 2022 allows newly arrived PL2 students to benefit from educational responses which facilitate access to the curriculum, through the mobilisation of measures to support learning and inclusion, namely:

• the promotion of a progressive integration into the curriculum, by attending selected teaching activities, based on the sociolinguistic profile and the students school pathways, in order to reinforce the learning of the Portuguese language and its development as a language of schooling.
• the development of other intervention projects approved by the school, under the favorable opinion of the Directorate-General for Education (DGE) or the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P.), depending on the educational and vocational offer attended.

Date submitted:

01 February 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).