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Repository of Practices

Egyptian-German Center for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (EGC)

Primary GCM Objectives

Secondary GCM Objectives


GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2020 - 2023

Type of practice


Geographic scope


Sub Regions:


The Programme Migration for Development is part of the “Returning to New Opportunities” programme commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Programme established the Egyptian-German Center for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (EGC) in cooperation with the Ministry of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs in-line with the presidential initiative “Life Saving Boats,” and under the management of GIZ Egypt. The EGC offers: Economic and social reintegration measures for Egyptian returnees. Information and advice on the labor market in Egypt and Germany. Career development interventions, employment promotion and training measures. Information on the requirements for regular migration and awareness on the risks of irregular migration. Capacity development for governmental institutions and civil society organizations. Psycho-social support for employability and reintegration.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

Government of Egypt
Government of Germany

Detailed Information

The Egyptian Ministry of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Partner/Donor Organizations

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZ

Benefit and Impact

Reintegrate Egyptian returnees from Germany and other countries by offering specific measures and tailored services for their socio-economic reintegration.
Enhance the prospects of Egyptian young adults through proper preparation to access the labor market and improve their employability in Egypt.
Reduce irregular migration by providing information on the involved risks. Enable access to information on the requirements of regular migration.
Enhance capacities of the Egyptian partners in the context of employment promotion, migration and reintegration.

Key Lessons

One of the challenges faced during implementation is that the center is located in the capital, while we realized that there is also a need to have similar centers in regions/governates which are contributing the most to irregular migration.
This is a factor that is being taken into consideration by the government while discussing future plans to replicate this project with other partners.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

This center can be replicated between countries of origin and destination to tackle: return and reintegration, provide information on jobs available in countries of destination and the required set of skills, provide capacity building to make the youth in the country of origin more equipped for the local job market as well as the job market of the country of destination. Such centers can also play a role in skill recognition.


This project represents a model for cooperation between countries of origin and destination.
Its success encouraged the Egyptian government to seek replicating it with different countries of destination.
The impact of the services provided by the center to returnees, potential migrants, and Egyptian youth in sustainable because it equips them for better job prospects.

Additional Resources

Additional Images

Date submitted:

31 March 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).