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Establishing Monocentres of Skills Development and Country Orientation for Potential Migrants in Uzbekistan

Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2019 - Present

Type of practice


Geographic scope



Sub Regions:


In recent years (2018-2021), the Government of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) of citizens, the assessment of their professional skills in national development and finding for a worthy place in the global labour market with the introduction and development of a modern system of vocational training for youth, women and unemployed citizens of Uzbekistan.

To achieve this goal, Presidential decrees (No.PD- 3913, PD-4804 and PD -5140) were adopted to further improve the system of training personnel in working occupations, as well as measures were taken aimed at attracting entrepreneurship, increasing labour activity and vocational training of unemployed citizens. Based on the above, under the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, 15 Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ (Welcome to Job), 59 vocational training centers, 54 short-term vocational training courses, 1000 vocational training points at the level of mahalla (neighborhood), and 13 colleges in the field of construction were created. In addition, vocational training is carried out in 326 colleges of the relevant ministries of Uzbekistan and 127 non-state educational institutions. In the system of these vocational training institutions, Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ have fundamental differences from other vocational education institutions, namely, the possibility of updating areas of training based on labour market trends and the need for personnel in the regions.

Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ based on Regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan No. 183 carry out a completely free full range of services for unemployed citizens of Uzbekistan, including counseling, skills-training, which is in demand on the labour market, entrepreneurship training, as well as language training with the pre-departure training for citizens willing to conduct temporary labour activity abroad and also providing services of migration centers with submitting information about current vacancies abroad. At the same time, the assistance is provided for the assessment and approval of skills in working occupations and foreign languages proficiency in the subordinate Qualification Assessment Center. In Monocentres, citizens are trained in 71 professions, and entrepreneurship and foreign languages skills are taught. Moreover, festivals about professions and excursions for pupils of grades 9-11 are also conducted.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

Government of Uzbekistan

Detailed Information

Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Partner/Donor Organizations

Youth Union of Uzbekistan
Artel Engineering and Management, LLC
13-Bridge Construction Squad, LLC
‘Knauf gips Buxara’
National Revival Democratic Party
Tashkent Metallurgical Plant
Tourism Development Institute
Association of hotel companies of Uzbekistan
Agency for Horticulture and Greenhouse Development
‘Resto-Profi’ Education centre
Uzbek Chinese Vocational Training Center, LLC

Benefit and Impact

Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ were created based on the results of an in-depth study of the labour market of Uzbekistan and an analysis of international trends in technical and vocational training and relevant skills for a comprehensive solution to the problems of unemployment, increasing employment rate, in particular through the external labour migration in demanded relevant working occupations.

The capacity of 15 Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ (simultaneous capacity of the audiences) is 7245 people / seats, and depending on the number of professions and specialties, the annual throughput capacity is 38 345 people. Trainees are trained in accordance with the methodology and requirements established by WorldSkills: The certificate of completion of courses is equivalent to a diploma of secondary vocational education, which allows many graduates to find a job during the course. Interns are trained on modern educational equipment and teachers are high professionals in their field.

In 2021, 115,400 unemployed citizens were trained, and more than 19.5 thousand of them were employed abroad. In particular, during this period, more than 11.0 thousand citizens of Uzbekistan were trained at Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’, including 7.5 thousand women and 4.0 thousand young people.

Private investors are involved in the management of Monocentres in the regions. Educational premises are rented out to them on preferential terms, and they enjoy the right to independently choose educational programs and teachers. The Presidential decree establishes the level of the state order for education.

It should be noted that in the field of vocational training, Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ closely cooperates with international organizations such as IOM, ILO, UNDP and foreign partners, in particular with the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates and the countries of the European Union. For instance, in March 2021, a branch of the Multifunctional Migration Service Center under name of ‘Sakharova’ was opened in Uzbekistan on the base of Monocenter ‘Ishga Marhamat’ in Tashkent. This center provides services for the collection and preparation of documents necessary for obtaining a permit to carry out labour activity in the Russian Federation.

Key Lessons

The increase in the movement of labour resources across borders is forcing national education systems to take into account international standards of education and training, as well as the needs of the global labour market. At the same time, during the implementation of the project, the main points were the solution of issues regarding the provision of centers with modern educational equipment, as well as specialists with appropriate qualifications for training in these equipment.

For solving these matters, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 6, 2021 NoPP-5140 "On measures to further improve the system of training personnel on working professions” was adopted, which provides sources of financing for the provision of vocational training centers with educational equipment and inventory, with the content and organization of the educational process, as well as the involvement of qualified foreign teachers, including our compatriots living abroad, in the areas of agriculture, light and food industries, information and communication technologies, construction, maintenance and repair of equipment, care for children, the elderly and the sick and other areas in order to improve the quality of vocational training.

Also, it was determined to organize cooperation with international organizations in the area of vocational training, such as the World Bank, ADB, ILO, IOM and UNDP, in the framework of cooperation projects:
- “Partnerships for Youth Employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States, phase II”, 2018-2022, financially supported by the PJSC LUKOIL and implemented by the ILO;
- “Strengthening the social protection system of the population” with the participation of the World Bank;
- “Promotion of youth employment in Uzbekistan” with the participation of the United Nations Development Program;
- “Adaptation of the skills of the population to the post-pandemic economy in the Ferghana Valley” with the participation of the United Nations Development Program;
- “Skills Development for the Modern Economy” with the participation of the Asian Development Bank;
- “A pilot centre for the development of professional skills for potential labour migrants” with the participation of the IOM and others.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

By the Government of Uzbekistan at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States held on December 18, 2020, the creation of a Cooperation Program of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to create a single mechanism for mutual recognition of documents of migrant workers for 2021–2026 was proposed. In framework of this programme, it is suggested to provide the implementation of measures to assess the State and effectiveness of cooperation among the CIS member States in the field of technical and vocational training of personnel and certification of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the establishment of mechanisms for the mutual recognition of documents for the vocational education and training of migrant workers in the CIS.

At the same time, priority areas for vocational training of the population for 2022-2026 are being developed. In particular, the development and implementation of the Concept of Vocational Education and Training for 2022-2026 is envisaged.
The main goal of the Concept is to provide every citizen with a one-time vocational training with the possibility of covering the costs of training at the expense of the state. Within the framework of this concept, it is planned to organize followings on the basis of the Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’:
- free education for pupils in grades 9-11, with the creation of multimedia situational centers;
- creation of ‘career centers’ to promote the employment efficiency of graduates of Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’;
- introduction of a ‘dual system of education’ through the integration of vocational education and production;
- attracting foreign qualified specialists to organize the educational process according to international standards;
- creation of centers for assessing qualifications and skills, etc.

It should be noted that certificates that issued by Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ are recognized at the level of a diploma of secondary vocational education and comply with international standards. Upon completion of training in these Monocentres, a graduate can receive a certificate of state and international level ‘skills passport’.


In order to introduce innovative teaching technologies based on foreign experience in Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’, developing effective innovative training programs for the unemployed and job seekers both domestically and abroad, in a short time, based on the current and future needs of the labour market Training and Consulting Offices were established, the main tasks of which are:

- attraction of qualified foreign teachers, including labour migrants living abroad, in order to improve the quality of vocational training for the unemployed in the areas of agriculture, light and food industries, information and communication technologies, construction, maintenance and repair of equipment, care for children, the elderly and the sick, and other areas;

- directing the qualified foreign teachers to vocational training centers, in which there is a shortage of qualified specialists;
- holding ‘master classes’ with the participation of qualified foreign trainers for teachers of Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’, vocational training centres, vocational training points and short courses.

- implementation of cooperation with non-state vocational educational institutions in the development of guidelines and manuals, widely using information and communication technologies and innovative teaching methods in the educational process.

In addition, by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 183 approved the Regulation “On the procedure for holding an open competition among non-government educational organizations for the ‘Best Vocational Training Program’, which establishes the procedure for holding an open competition among non-governmental educational organizations for the ‘Best Vocational Training Program’ and allocating grants to the winners of the competition from the State Employment Assistance Fund. Within the framework of this Regulation, competitions are held to determine the best vocational education programs, textbooks and manuals, including vocational training, retraining and advanced training or the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for unemployed citizens, labour migrants who returned from abroad, women and youth using information and communication tools, and innovative teaching methods.

As part of the implementation of advanced and innovative training programs, Monocentres ‘Ishga Marhamat’ cooperate with major European, Japanese, Arab and Russian educational institutions and companies, such as GfM Gruppe, OPASCA GmbH, GLOBOGATE Recruiting GmbH, Nippone academy, Turkish organizations ‘TIKA’, ‘Renesans Heavy Industries’, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, etc.


«Ишга марҳамат» мономаркази

Date submitted:

17 March 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).