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Humanitarian Border Management Republic of Armenia: Needs and Gaps Assessment Report

Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2015 - 2017

Type of practice


Geographic scope



Sub Regions:


Armenia and the larger Caucasus Region are prone to various natural hazards and disasters as well as the geo-political developments, which can trigger massive cross-border migration of affected populations. To provide for adequate response in such situations, the national agencies responsible for crisis management as well as border management are to be able to ensure the full respect of migrants’ rights, while at the same time maintaining border security and managing the borders in a crisis responsive manner. This requires a special approach to border management, which is supported and promoted by IOM as humanitarian border management (HBM) and includes comprehensive border management operations before, during and after humanitarian crisis involving all the national and non-governmental actors and covering all the issues related to managing the massive mixed migration flows in emergency situations. This approach calls for increased inter-agency cooperation and coordination on the national level, cross-border cooperation among the relevant agencies on both sides of the border and mainstreaming of protection concerns and measures in disaster and risk management policies and regulations.

The project intended to provide the Government of Armenia with technical assistance to strengthen the legal, institutional, and operational framework for implementing HBM-related components to enhance the national capacity to adequately respond to migrants needs in cases of emergency. 

The project objective was to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Armenian National Security Service (NSS) and the Border Guard Troops (BGT) to respond to migration crisis and enhance their role in the inter-agency cooperation.

The project featured the following interlinked outcomes and related outputs contributing to this objective:

Outcome 1: Enhanced institutional preparedness of BGT in HBM and improved coordination in the area

Output 1.1: Needs of BGT in HBM mapped and standard operating procedures (SOPs) developed

The following activities were implemented within this output:

HBM Needs and Gaps Assessment (HBM NGA) completion. 

Guidance on Preparation of SOPs for HBM at BCPs was developed.

Output 1.2: Inter-agency dialogue on HBM-centred response to migration crisis initiated

The following activities were implemented to support the achievement of this output:

A workshop on enhanced institutional preparedness of the state agencies in terms of information management in the case of crises with migration dimension

A workshop on development of the HBM related SOPs based on developed Guidance on Preparation of SOPs for HBM at BCPs was delivered

Cross-border interagency simulation exercise (SIMEX) was conducted

Outcome 2: Enhanced HBM capacity in place

Output 2.1 Training for BGT and other services delivered

The following activity was implemented to support the achievement of this output:

The training on HBM for all the national agencies and relevant non-governmental actors involved was developed and conducted

The project incorporated cross-cutting issues at the stage of its development and in the process of implementation. The HBM training materials and the Guidance on Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for HBM at Border Crossing Points (BCPs) developed within the framework of the Project are fully gender sensitized and incorporate the clauses aimed at enhancing the beneficiary services understanding and skills to integrate cross-cutting concerns like gender, race, religion, socio-economic status, migrants’ vulnerability, interests of children and unaccompanied and separated children, etc.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Detailed Information

IOM Armenia

Partner/Donor Organizations

Border Guard Troops of the National Security Service of Armenia - main beneficiary
Migration Service of Armenia
Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia

Benefit and Impact

The project was widely relevant to the policies and strategies of the Government of Armenia in the domain of emergency preparedness as well as migration and asylum. Its integration of the additional activity, namely the joint interagency cross-border simulation exercise (SIMEX), which was conducted upon the request of the beneficiary agencies in the end of the project, allowed to further enhance project’s relevance to the national agencies. The project resulted in increased relevance of national HBM framework and the increased understanding among all the beneficiary agencies of the need to enhance the governmental crisis response capacity as an unintended outcome of the project thus making the further assistance and capacity building in HBM more relevant.

Due to inclusion of SIMEX exercise, the Projects encouraged the government to realistically assess its capacities and realize the urgent need to enhance them. It also allowed IOM to position itself as the major partner of the Government of Armenia in developing its HBM related capacity.

An inter-agency working group was established by the Government to draft decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on approval of the “Action plan for management of migration flow operations caused by disaster or military actions”. IOM was involved in the interagency coordination mechanism and contributed to the development of the Action Plan guided by findings and recommendations of the Assessment Report.

Key Lessons

Number of challenges that the project implementation team had to overcome in the process of project implementation:
• The pilot nature of the project did not provide for sufficient time and resources to implement more sustainable project outputs with higher impact;
• National legal framework on issues related to migration management and HBM related capacity building is outdated and does not cover all the spectrum of relevant issues thus not providing the sufficient basis for the whole of government approach in cases of crisis involving the mass migration flows across the border;
• Systematic increase in passenger flows over recent several years was not addressed by enhancing the institutional capacity to manage those flows, allocation of additional budgetary and human resources, necessary capacity building activities;
• Absence of institutional training capacity within most of project beneficiary agencies did not allow for more sustainable implementation of the training components of the project.

Project implementation took 23 months instead of the initially planned 1 year. The project was extended 3 times. The project launch was timely, however, there has been unanimous feedback that the political developments dragged project implementation. The delays were caused by constantly on-going staff rotation within and late reaction of the beneficiary services to most of the forwarded communications and by the difficulties to get their feedback on nearly all the project deliverables. From the project efficiency perspective, this might also indicate the lack of efforts put into mitigating those challenges by the project implementation team. To address the mentioned above challenges, IOM had to revise the initial project plan to secure the timely implementation, some activities were amended, IOM intensified the interactions with the beneficiary agencies including on the highest level.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

Good practices which might be replicated in the other IBM (Integrated Border Management) projects:
• Enhanced consultations with the governmental agencies in the course of the political turmoil allowed to mitigate the risk of total beneficiary services disengagement into project implementation;
• Reacting to the beneficiaries’ urgent needs and interests in a timely manner within the project scope by revising its activities and incorporating an additional one allowed to enhance the project relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. It also allowed IOM to secure its position as the major government partner in HBM related capacity building;
• Involving the high-level officials into SIMEX exercise implementation and taking measures to provide for the event’s high visibility allowed to secure the beneficiary agencies ownership, political will and opened the doors to potential joint cross-border projects on the same thematic issue with involvement of neighbouring countries.


The HBM concept was new for the Armenian government and the report developed by the international expert followed by extensive capacity building activities as well as the Simulation Exercise empowered the national agencies to further develop and implement HBM related legal, policy and institutional framework.

Date submitted:

04 February 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).