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Repository of Practices

Live in Turkey

Primary GCM Objectives

Secondary GCM Objectives


GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



Type of practice


Geographic scope



Sub Regions:


The corporate website of Presidency of Migration Management,, is dominated by the institutional aspect and mostly contains corporate news. For this reason, was created and opened for use on 22 December 2021, which contains informative content on many subjects such as Turkey's history, culture, social life, legal order, housing, education, health, transportation, social security, which will attract the attention of foreigners. The website, which provides services in 7 languages, including Pashto, continues with the new interface work.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

Government of Türkiye

Detailed Information

Presidency of Migration Management, Ministry of Interior

Benefit and Impact

Diversification of channels that inform foreigners in different languages by the government on many issues related to life in Turkey, the rights and obligations of foreigners and the services offered by our Presidency facilitates the lives of foreigners by providing effective access to accurate information.
Foreigners of different status living in Turkey and foreigners who intend to live in Turkey benefit from the said website.
Impact analysis is not performed for Live in Turkey.

Key Lessons

Suggested Lessons: The Live in Turkey site could have been planned as a site where content was managed jointly with stakeholder organizations. Thus, keeping the information up-to-date could be accelerated and rich content could be produced for the site from the perspective of the relevant organizations. In this direction, it was possible to assign people from the relevant organizations to update and produce content, and upload content to the relevant fields. For example, the informative and awareness-raising texts and videos of the Ministry of Health on women's health, Kovid and all other health-related issues can be delivered to foreigners in multilingual languages, or the digital versions of the Ministry of Family and Social Services' studies on violence against women can be made multilingual and quickly shared on the site in the relevant fields, Tourism The Ministry's ability to add content to the fields related to the promotion of Turkey could have turned the site into a more professional, highly visited, and important reference source.

Difficulties Encountered and How to Overcome These Difficulties: Enriching the contents, checking the spelling rules, keeping them up-to-date and simultaneously translating them into 6 languages ​​require a team effort on their own. One of the difficulties encountered is that such a team cannot be formed due to the insufficient number of personnel. Changes in the names of institutions, combining the numbers of emergency call centers under a single roof, changes in legislation and practices cause the information in current practices to become outdated. In order to prevent this situation, it is ensured that the texts are kept up-to-date as much as possible by giving importance to the updating studies and asking the opinions of the relevant institutions.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

Before creating such a site and mobile application, it can be recommended to plan activities to enrich the site, such as topics that will attract the attention of foreigners, columns, interviews on health and other subjects, by getting professional content production service during the preparation phase.


The fact that it is an alternative tool for face-to-face information is what makes this application innovative.
Live in Turkey Site was put into service in 2021. Keeping the content of the site up-to-date and enriching it with new content will allow the site to be preferable, and thus the work to be sustainable.
The Covid 19 Effect: The aforementioned innovative tools are important as alternative information channels, as the trend towards content and information studies has increased through remotely accessible channels instead of face-to-face communication and information channels with the effect of pandemic conditions.
The realization of innovative applications and the increase in the number of people who download/follow these applications will contribute to the use of different innovative tools at the corporate level in the future.

Additional Resources

Date submitted:

31 January 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).