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Repository of Practices

Prospects for the social integration of migrants in Argentina considering Social protection programs and public employment programs in the post-pandemic

Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2021 - 2022

Type of practice

Research Study

Geographic scope



Sub Regions:


This article compiles and analyses some current social protection programs and certain public employment programs, including those that have been implemented in response to COVID-19. This compilation also distinguishes those programs that refer to social security, conditional cash transfer programs, social assistance programs and training, promotion and protection of employment. In this sense, the focus is made on characterizing and describing the main guidelines of some strategic policies, indicating the specific access conditions for migrants, including requirements in terms of legal residence.

This report aimed at exposing difficulties of access to these programs by migrants, with a differentiated approach in relation to the approaches of childhood and gender perspective. This evidence-based information is useful to raise awareness on the gaps in the fulfillment of the rights of migrant population. This article was addressed to academia and civil society organizations that promote migrant population inclusion and wellbeing.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

UN Network on Migration

Detailed Information

UNNM Argentina

Partner/Donor Organizations

International Organization for Migration - IOM
UN Women
International Labour Organization - ILO
Organización Panamericana de la Salud: OPS/OMS
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP

Benefit and Impact

In the context of the signing of the terms of reference of the UNMN of Argentina, the Network sought to consolidate the work of its first year of work with a knowledge product collectively written that reflects the mandate and expertise of each of the 9 Agencies, Funds and Programs that are part of the UNMN in Argentina. This could serve as input for government agencies, as well as to develop advocacy actions and for the interaction with non-traditional stakeholders and with civil society counterparts. Likewise, the article aims to lay the foundations to describe and prioritize those issues that the Network evidenced as crucial to effectively include the migrant population in the post-pandemic recovery, with a strong focus on gender perspective, childhood and interculturality.

In this sense, the main objective of this article was to collect and analyze some current social protection programs and certain public employment programs, focusing specially on those that have been implemented in response to COVID-19. This report aimed at exposing difficulties of access to these programs experienced by migrants, with a differentiated approach that took into consideration the main vulnerabilities that migrant population may face in a intersectional way. This evidence-based information was also useful to raise awareness on the gaps in the fulfillment of the rights of migrant population and will be a milestone of the advocacy actions that the Network is planning to develop in the current year.

Key Lessons

The main challenge identified was the collective work with UN agencies members of the national network and to harmonize diverse perspectives. This was overcome with permanent consultations on controversial and sensitive topics until agreement was reached. This work dynamic was successful to produce an analytical product within the UNMN framework.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

It is highly recommended to plan such initiative and to include it in national network workplans. Additionally, IOM as UNMN technical Secretary could lead the consultation process to come to an understanding with all network members.


The innovation on this article resides in the collective work within the UNMN Argentina which seizes the expertise of each Agency, Fund and Program to position the Network in a better place to do advocacy with the Government in its three levels in order to improve migrants access to basic rights.

Additionally, the analysis is based on current social protection programs invigorated during COVID-19 and it outlines public policy recommendations in line with GCM objectives that respond to the challenges identified These recommendations are aimed at promoting a better integration of migrants in the country from an intersectional, intercultural, gender and human rights perspective in the framework of post-pandemic recovery.

Date submitted:

10 March 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).