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Mainstream gender, age and disability aspects throughout humanitarian assistance and ending gender based violence in humanitarian contexts

In its humanitarian assistance, Germany takes particular account of gender, age and disability aspects, which are highly relevant for vulnerable migrants. A gender-age-disability marker helps to hold partners accountable and to ensure that the different needs and abilities of women, men, girls, boys, older people, and people with and without disabilities are taken into account in the design and delivery of humanitarian assistance, also in migration settings. The gender-age-disability marker sets clear guidelines for NGOs and international organisations to consider the special needs of these vulnerable groups. Germany is further developing a humanitarian gender strategy. Our goal is to display Germany’s approach towards gender equality in the global discussion on gender and to embed it into political action. In this strategy, Germany commits itself to 100% gender-sensitive humanitarian assistance. Germany is committed to end Gender Based Violence in humanitarian contexts. Therefore, Germany is contributing 3.06 million EUR to the UN Women project “Localized Gender Accountability in Humanitarian Crises” in 2022 and 2023.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).