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Support the engagement of local and regional governments in international processes on migration by contributing to the Mayors Mechanism


Local and regional governments (LRGs) are at the forefront when it comes to responding to migration. It is at the local level that international, regional and national policies and programmes are implemented. The local level can also be a catalyst for innovative and human-centred practices that have potential to be scaled, replicated, or adapted to other local, national or international contexts.

Germany recognises this key role of LRGs and values their participation in global migration governance processes.

Therefore, Germany supports the GFMD Mayors Mechanism, co-steered by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the Mayors Migration Council (MMC) and IOM in the rollout of its Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees. This Call to Local Action is implemented in partnership with UNHCR and aims to increase states’ and multilateral actors’ recognition of the transformative impact of LRGs on migration governance by showcasing local approaches to migration governance and illustrating actions that contribute to the implementation of the GCM and the GCR.

In rolling out the Call to Local Action, the Mayors Mechanism will:

1) Collect local practices and pledges ahead of the IMRF, hereby showcasing the concrete and tangible commitments LRGs are taking on the ground that contribute to global goals;

2) Offer knowledge exchange to LRGs on local migration governance and its connection with global agendas ahead of the IMRF, including webinars and peer-learning activities;

3) Publish a flagship report that showcases local practices regarding migration and displacement and provides key recommendations to the UN Member States, the UN System and other international partners; and

4) Support the preparation and participation of LRGs at the IMRF.

Germany provides 200.000 euros to the Mayors Mechanism to implement the named activities.

This is a Common Pledge, to be connected with a pledge submitted by the GFMD Mayors Mechanism, entitled ‘GFMD Mayors Mechanism commits to implement the Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees, a tool to accelerate the localization of the GCM and GCR’.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).