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Repository of Practices


Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2016 - Present

Type of practice


Geographic scope



The Electronic Readmission Case Management System (e-RCMS) is a web-based, secure and user-friendly IT platform that facilitates the return and readmission process as defined in readmission cooperation frameworks. The e-RCMS facilitates the exchange of information necessary for identity verification which includes returnee personal data, identity documents, biometric data, as well as exchange of information relevant for transfer, such as flight details. Moreover, the system also allows for direct, real-time communication between competent authorities concerning readmission applications. With all workflow being performed digitally, using the e-RCMS significantly reduces delays in manual case processing, improves the quality of applications submitted and facilitates higher levels of data protection and information security, ensuring only competent government authorities have access to returnee data within the system. With its customizable architecture, the platform can be tailored to fit specific national processes and the IT needs of partner countries. It strengthens inter-agency coordination and brings accountability and transparency in readmission case management, whilst enabling compliance with existing legal frameworks, including data protection legislation.

The project is funded by the EU (DG HOME) and supports the implementation of the EU Readmission Agreements/Arrangements on return. The EU Member States and the governments of the partner countries outside of the EU directly benefit from the project results. 


Main Implementing Organization(s)

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Partner/Donor Organizations

Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission - DG HOME

Benefit and Impact

E-RCMS enables to digitize and centralize previously manually-processed activities. It facilitates the coordination of the readmission process between all competent actors for each step of the process. It can accommodate all possible return scenarios (e.g. where identity documents are available or where there is no documentation) and allows for completion of the operational steps remotely (interviews and issuance of travel documents). The design of the e-RCMS is user friendly, with a dashboard and notification system, allowing end-users to quickly learn how to use the system. E-RCMS is implemented alongside a capacity building package, tailored to the needs of the partner country governments, which helps the authorities to institutionalize the platform within their national return, readmission and reintegration policies.
The e-RCMS is a novel tool, and as such, the long term impact will still have to be evaluated. Nonetheless, the initial findings of the evaluation of existing platforms (Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh) suggest, that it provides benefits beyond increased efficiency through strengthening the cooperation on return. Institutional stakeholders interviewed for the final evaluation, consider that the e-RCMS contributes to improving the conditions of return for potential returnees through increasing transparency, accountability, certainty and an expedient process.

Key Lessons

• The e-RCMS is an effective tool to manage readmission caseload in an efficient, coordinated and transparent manner. It reduces the processing time of the applications, and facilitates communication between the counterparts.
• Implementation of the e-RCMS is closely related to the ongoing political dialogue on return management and readmission cooperation between the engaged countries. The high level of political will translates in good cooperation at the operational level.
• The e-RCMS offers technical solutions and fosters dialogue, which complements high-level discussions held in political forums.
• Basic technical, operational, and financial capacities are essential to the good functioning and security of the e-RCMS.
• Implementation of e-RCMS needs to envisage mechanisms to engage key government stakeholders throughout the system implementation, to ensure ownership and institutionalization of the platform.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

• E-RCMS design must be based on the requirements set in the cooperation frameworks in place in the partner countries and on a needs assessment. The e-RCMS must be tailored to the specific situation of the partner country.
• Due to the political sensitivity of the subject, users must be engaged throughout the whole elaboration and implementation process.
• An assessment prior to implementation, on the institutional, financial, and operational capacity of the partner country is necessary to properly identify potential challenges to sustainability and adequately plan a phasing-out strategy after the project ends.
• The use of the e-RCMS should be envisaged with a long-term perspective. For this reason, training activities and workshops contribute to handover processes in case of staff turnover and keep good practices alive within the competent administrations.


E-RCMS platforms respond to the need for increased efficiency in return case management, through providing IT solution which replaces the burdensome paper-based administrative process. Compared with a paper-based readmission case processing, the e-RCMS platform provides:
• Facilitation of compliance with legal frameworks and agreements (e.g. time limits) through predefined customized processes
• Facilitation and speeding-up of the readmission process
• Higher data quality allowing improved data analysis
• Simplified interface and user dashboard to manage the readmission processes including tracking of activities, status information, etc
• Clear workflows, notifications and alerts to comply with the timeframes outlined in readmission agreements / arrangements
• Integrated tools to support the readmission process including remote interviews, request for additional information and management correspondence
• Supporting documentation, guidelines and frequently asked questions to facilitate the use of the platform
The e-RCMS is fully compatible and compliant with industry standard information security technologies from application level protection to infrastructure level protection systems, enabling compliance with relevant Data Protection regulations in the partner countries.

Date submitted:

30 March 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).