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South America

Contents using this term
Regularización a la “vuelta de la esquina": implementación de servicios de regularización integrados (MAC)Practice Repository
Coordinated Management of the DTM at the Chilean-Bolivian border Practice Repository
Support Programme for Indigenous Communities in the Context of Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, and Deforestation Practice Repository
Integration of human mobility due to environmental and climate reasons in Ecuador's National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Practice Repository
National Migration Law, 20 years afterResource
Collection of information on international migrants in the Brazilian Demographic CensusPractice Repository
Green Yoma for Youth on the MovePractice Repository
Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V)Practice Repository
Memorias MigrantesPractice Repository
Recommendations on Regional Coordination and Information Exchange Mechanisms in the Search for Missing Persons in the Context of MigrationPractice Repository
Cross-border Assistance and Protection for Populations in Transit through the Darién Gap (Colombia and Panama) and the Costa Rican BordersPractice Repository
Migrant Electoral GuidePractice Repository
DTM Wifi AnalyticsPractice Repository
Fortalecimiento de capacidades en Gestión y Coordinación de Albergues Practice Repository
Promoviendo el vínculo entre los ODS y el Pacto Mundial para la MigraciónPractice Repository
Brazil: Strengthening Capacities of Border Municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon to Face the Challenges of Migration, Climate Change and HealthProjects
Sesiones de formación de periodistas en migración, medio ambiente y cambio climáticoPractice Repository
Unidad de Migración del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Practice Repository
Derechos Políticos de personas migrantes: experiencia del Consejo Municipal de Migrantes en el municipio de San Pablo Practice Repository
Estrategia para aumentar la inscripción de migrantes en el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS)Practice Repository

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).