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Ensuring full inclusion and social cohesion through developing Migrant Integration Strategy


International migrants represent a small but important part of Azerbaijan’s population and workforce. After years characterized by high levels of emigration, the country now experiences annual net-positive migration. Azerbaijan is a country of destination, especially in terms of labor migration and family reunification.

In order to support the integration of migrants into the local community the state policy aims at improving integration mechanisms for foreigners and stateless persons, as well as for refugees. In this regard, development of a comprehensive and inclusive strategy is needed to provide a framework for a range of actions in order to support migrants to fully participate in the life of local community. The main objective of Azerbaijan in this direction is to ensure respect to multicultural values and diversity of migrants in the integration process as well as facilitated access to social services.

In this regard, Azerbaijan pledges to develop a migrant integration strategy in line with Azerbaijan’s international commitments and national priorities.


International migrants represent a small but important part of Azerbaijan’s population andworkforce. After years characterized by high levels of emigration, the country now experiences annual net-positive migration. Azerbaijan is a country of destination, especially in terms of labor migration and family reunification. 

In order to support the integration of migrants into the local community, state policy of Azerbaijan is aimed at improving the mechanisms for the integration of foreigners andstateless persons, as well as refugees. In order to expand activities in this direction within the framework of the pilot project “Supporting the preparation of the Migrant Integration Strategy, the corresponding Action Plan and the Training Program”, implemented within the MIEUX + (MIgration EU eXpertise Initiative (MIEUX +)) the preparation of a policy document for the integration of migrants - Migrant Integration Strategy, has begun. The main objective of this document is to ensure respect to multicultural values and diversity of migrants in the integration process, as well as facilitated access to social services. It will be a comprehensive and inclusive document consisting of a range of actions in order to support migrants to fully participate in the life of local community. The Strategy will be developed in line with Azerbaijan’s international commitments and national priorities. The drafting session of the Strategy is scheduled for June 2023.

At the moment, it is planned to develop a three-year Action Plan, as the main goal of this strategy is to solve any technical or procedural problems that migrants face in accessing their rights. The structure of the Strategy is currently being discussed with international experts. In addition, the document also includes reintegration issues.


  • Yet to Start
  • In Progress
  • Completed

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).