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Expansion of the National Referral Mechanism for Returnees


Sustainable reintegration, as per Objective 21 of the GCM, requires a coordinated and integrated whole-of-government approach. For this purpose, we have made strides in developing an Integrated Return Model that outlines the key steps and actors of pre-departure, return and readmission, and reintegration. In line with this model, we developed and piloted a National Referral Mechanism for returnees from abroad and returning IDPs that links them to reintegration services provided by the government, local service providers, CSOs, international and national NGOs and UN agencies through a systematic and needs-based approach.

Building on the successful piloting in Ninewa and Anbar governorates and the evidence, good practices and lessons learned collected, we pledge to expand and improve the National Referral mechanism in key areas of return of Iraq. By 2023, the system shall be operational in Baghdad and Erbil governorates, with support of IOM. We also pledge to establish and enhance partnerships with national and international reintegration actors and civil society.

LAST UPDATED: 21/02/2024

 With IOM support we are pleased to announce that we have successfully expanded and improved the National Referral Mechanism for Returnees from abroad in different governorates in Iraq. Building on the successful piloting, the system is now fully operational in Baghdad and Erbil governorates. We have also established and enhanced partnerships with national and international reintegration actors and civil society to ensure that returnees receive the support they need to reintegrate successfully into Iraqi society.

Here is a more specific breakdown of the achievement:
- Expansion: The National Referral Mechanism has been expanded to cover returnees in south of Iraq (via Basra and Th-qar offices), as well as covered the returnees in Sulymanya. 
- Improvement: The system has been improved based on the evidence, good practices, and lessons learned collected from the piloting phase, and now the system become the government body for reintegration. 
- Partnerships: We have established and enhanced partnerships with national and international reintegration actors and civil society to ensure that the system is effective and sustainable.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).