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This pilot project aims to promote employability and youth entrepreneurial capacity in the green, circular and renewable economy sectors through a training and professional qualification process in Andalusia and Northern Morocco, contributing to the retention of talent in the country of origin. It also aims to strengthen public-private partnerships in green and circular economy at both local and regional level, bringing together institutions, companies and academia. Channelled in four phases: identification and mobilisation of actors, preparation for training, training placements and integration into the labour market, the project combines mobility of youth, through a circular migration model; mobility, by promoting the development of specific skills and access to an innovative labour market; sustainable economic development, by promoting the renewable and green energy sector; public-private partnerships, through cooperation models between institutions and business entities; and the promotion of a local and regional approach in the management of migration between Andalusia and northern Morocco.

In addition to the specific activities of each of the phases, the project promotes the exchange of experiences between the two shores of the Strait of Gibraltar through visits of public and private entities linked to renewable energies and the green economy and the organisation of an international seminar on cooperation and innovation policies in the Mediterranean.

The following results/impacts of the project in question are highlighted:

► The contribution to the improvement of circular, regulated and orderly migratory flows between cities in the north of Morocco and Andalusia and in key and innovative sectors of economic activity.

► Support for qualified human capital in the country of origin, towards preventing their departure from the country.

► Links and alliances between administrations and public services that advocate the consolidation of safe circular migration processes.

► The achievement of alliances and agreements between small Moroccan and Andalusian companies in the green and circular economy sector that have an impact on economic growth and employment.

► The creation of new business initiatives in cities in northern Morocco in the green and circular economy sector as a result of the cooperation process and the flow of circular migration.

► Strengthened Spanish-Moroccan relations in the areas of migration, innovation and employment.

► The implementation of an innovative and tested circular mobility model between local, national and European actors to foster synergies, joint participation and common reflection.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).