We are a non-governmental civil society organization called Human Rigths and Forest Brain Africa (Hurifba) which works for Sustainable Development, the protection of human rights, education, health, the environment and nature. headquartered in Cameroon and abroad. Permanent member and observer at the IPCC on evolution and climate change. Hurifba has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, partners affiliated with Rotary International, agencies and organizations of the United Nations System. Hurifba also works in partnership with local rotary clubs in the District 9150 sub-region.
We are seeking a formal partnership with our organization and your support and support, both material and financial, for our activities mentioned above. it will consist of the charge of the salary personnel of Hurifba, the rolling stock, the rental of the headquarters, the website etc. Hurifba is resolutely committed to maternal and child health, the malnutrition of which children born orphans and those with congenital malformations sometimes suffering from blindness, which many families neglect, evoking family fates. It is a question for Hurifba of sensitizing families and fighting against diseases related to polluting water or in each District and boroughs in the sub-region will respond and reduce this rate of risk. In terms of education and training, we will take care of sensitizing families and attracting the attention of those in charge of education and training and will formalize registrations and school kits for children retained by our programs. Hurifba carries out advocacy actions in various communities in Cameroon in favor of Refugees and displaced victims of war in the North-West of Cameroon, including disabled people and children who survive polio who flee the abuses of secessionists who continue to rage.
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