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Reducing Climate Vulnerabilities of migrants in Accra

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) will implement a project which generates evidence on migrants’ presence in the city’s informal economy, strengthens this economy’s resilience to the impacts of climate change, and improves working conditions of migrants working in informal waste management. To achieve these goals, AMA will first collect and analyze disaggregated data on migrant profiles from three neighborhoods in Accra (Old Fadama, Cable and Wireless, and Shiabu), neighborhoods where many migrants reside and engage in informal waste management. Second, AMA will facilitate financial inclusion and access to healthcare for migrants by connecting them to formal waste management employment opportunities. Third, AMA will construct an infant care facility in one of the target neighborhoods, providing care for babies, toddlers, and young children while their parents and caregivers work nearby. This project will link to the AMA’s ongoing implementation of its Inclusive Climate Action Program. This commitment is in line with Accra’s proposed project for the MMC's Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees.

Accra’s project anticipates three key impacts:

1. Informal waste sector workers, including migrants recognized, find stable employment within Accra’s municipal solid waste management system

2. Migrants have improved living and working conditions

3. Children of waste sector workers have access to safe spaces and benefit from a reduced exposure to public health risks.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).