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Resettlement and resilient livelihoods for Daami IDPs in Hargeisa City


The Municipality of Hargeisa (DHH) will work with the Daami community, an informal settlement of internally displaced persons in a flood-prone area of Hargeisa, to relocate 100 households to safer areas of the city. Each household who decides to participate in the resettlement program will receive land ownership and housing in parts of the city more closely connected to public services and job opportunities, allowing them greater security of tenure and access to services while moving them out of harm’s way. In addition, the DHH will provide interested heads of households with resources to start their own businesses, including business grants and direct cash assistance, with a focus on women headed households. This project will eventually lead to the closure of the Daami settlement, allowing the city to turn it into a public park available to all residents. This project is in line with Hargeisa’s proposed project for the MMC's Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).