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Review of the National Implementation Plan of the Global Compact for Migration

Four years past the adoption of the GCM, Portugal has been committed to reaching the 23 objectives outline by the Compact. The adoption of a National Plan for the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration, in august 2019, was essential to promote coordination and ensure a cross-cutting approach to promote safe, orderly, and regular pathways.

In the context of IMRF, Portugal pledges to implement practical steps to accomplish a review process of its National Plan for the Implementation of the GCM, adapting the national response regarding migration governance to the priorities outlined in the IMRF’s Progress Declaration.

This pledge will ensure prompt actions to adapt national politics to the dynamics and complexity of migration flows, bearing in mind the impact of the pandemic and the full inclusion of migrants in the recovery process.

Based on whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, the review process foresees in-depth and comprehensive consultations with . Adopting a 360-degree vision Portuguese public authorities will actively engage with local authorities and civil society aiming at an effective revision of the National Implementation Plan of the GCM and the efficient implementation of inclusive initiatives, in line with GCM objectives and guiding principles.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).