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The Royal Government of Cambodia

Pledges of the Royal Government of Cambodia

1. Promoting inclusive societies and including migrants in COVID-19 response and recovery

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), will continue to increase national efforts and cooperation with stakeholders to include migrant workers in the national healthcare coverage through the implementation of “ the National Policy on Migrant Health” and its 10 years Strategic Plan (2021-2030), by using a whole of government and society approach. By the next IMRF (2026), Cambodia will be able to demonstrate concrete improvements in universal health coverage and migrants’ access to essential health services.

2. Promoting safe and regular migration

Three priority objectives are selected including objectives 1, 11 and 23 to be key step forward, and will address other relevant objectives by strengthening internal, regional and global cooperation. Cambodia will achieve its National GCM Implementation Plan (2023-2025), followed by its two-year Action Plan, by involving individual ministry and other stakeholders in sub-actions, as a whole government and society approach. By the next IMRF, Cambodia will be able to demonstrate concrete results and improvements.

3. To ensure that Children on the move, migrant’s children are also well protected

Build up a strong collaboration with destination countries to provide clear support to migrants in undocumented status, both adults, children unaccompanied - and migrants’ children born abroad, to receive and keep their civil status documents especially birth registration; so that they can exercise their basic rights, and to access basic services, including education and decent work, and to enable them to escape from subjecting to any forms of exploitation, violation, trafficking, and/or becoming displace persons, stateless people and/or slave. The consular authorities will play a critical role to remedy these obstacles, as they can act as civil registrar. By the next IMRF, Cambodia will be able to demonstrate concrete results achieved.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).