UN System pledge
We will provide concrete support to Member States in developing ambitious national responses
for the full and effective implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular
Migration (GCM), through technical, policy and programming assistance. Our work will be in line
with the GCM guiding principles and 360-degree vision of international migration and focus on the
priority areas identified in the 2022 Secretary-General’s report on the GCM.
b) We will speak with one voice at the global, regional, and national levels in support of migrants and
actively advocate for the respect, protection, and fulfilment of their human rights, particularly of
those in situations of vulnerability, while working together to enhance their contribution to
sustainable development in countries of origin, transit, and destination.
c) We will better integrate the voices of all migrants and of relevant stakeholders, as identified in the
GCM, into all aspects of our work, including those of the youth, women and migrant workers, and
support governments to do the same.
d) We will strengthen our collaboration with all stakeholders to support the design and
implementation of forward-looking and comprehensive GCM policies and related practices that
benefit migrants and their communities.
e) We will include migration in all its dimensions into Common Country Analyses (CCAs), United
Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (CFs), and other United Nations
planning processes, including in the implementation of Our Common Agenda.
f) We will actively participate in the United Nations Network on Migration at global, regional, and
national levels, strengthening linkages between all three and fully drawing from the technical
expertise and experience of relevant entities within the United Nations system. This includes our
support to the capacity-building mechanism established by the Global Compact, including the
Migration Network Hub and the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund.
g) We will support Member States on request to develop COVID-19 response and recovery policies
that integrate migrants as agents and beneficiaries. We will ensure that such policies are grounded
in fundamental human and labour rights standards, promote safe and regular migration pathways,
and accelerate progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development