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Youth Work for All


Not every family finds its way easily to youth work. The youth movements of Mechelen are not yet a reflection and representation of the diversity in our city. The youth service has taken up the challenge to change this with the youth movements and their associations. The project aims at: families (children, youngsters, parents) with a migration background and/or a refugee story (aim of guiding children/youngsters to youth work); and youth movements (strengthening these organisations (and by extension youth associations) in order to reach the above-mentioned target groups more easily, and support them in setting up a diversity policy). The main objectives of the project are: guiding new members with a migration background sustainable towards youth work; supporting associations regarding diversity, inclusion & accessibility; and raising awareness of the added value of youth work.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).