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Repository of Practices

Regional Monitoring Framework for Students on the Move in the Latin America and the Caribbean region

Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2020 - 2023

Type of practice


Geographic scope



This practice is rooted in the regional commitments that have informed UNESCO’s Regional Strategy for its response to the situation of people on the move. Such commitments include those expressed by Ministries of Education of the region in the Declaration of Buenos Aires (2017), the Cochabamba Agreements (2018), and the VI and VII Joint Declaration of the International Technical Meeting on Human Mobility of Venezuelan Citizens (2020, 2021). Briefly, this practice consists of a monitoring framework for students on the move in Latin America and the Caribbean. It aims to support the formulation and implementation of educational policies aimed at guaranteeing the right to education of people on the move. Currently under development, it will be composed of a quantitative and a qualitative dimension. The quantitative one will make available an updated set of comparable and relevant statistical indicators to understand the regional progress in guaranteeing the right to education for students on the move. The qualitative dimension will contain a normative map of national policies for the educational inclusion of students on the move, an inventory of innovative experiences or promising practices of educational inclusion, and a section on policy implementation analysis. The expanding results of the framework will be disseminated through an open-access website on an ongoing basis. It is worth noting that the project, from methodology to web design, is being developed collaboratively between UNESCO and 22 regional Ministries of Education.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Detailed Information

UNESCO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC)

Partner/Donor Organizations

Education specialists from UNESCO offices in the region, the ministries of education of Latin America and the Caribbean, relevant UNESCO sector experts, regional education clusters for Latin America and the Caribbean and other partners.

Benefit and Impact

The initiative aimed at strengthening capacities in planning and monitoring of national education systems in the LAC region. These capacities are central to reduce the risk of crises and strengthen educational interventions, aim at the population on the move. These skills are based on the generation of comparable and good quality data and the strengthening of capacities of the ministries of education, as well as the development of regional instruments for monitoring. The previously mentioned considers the commitments related to SDG 4 and relevant national policies, under an inclusive approach.

This system is composed of two dimensions. A quantitative dimension that will make available to the countries an updated set of comparable and relevant indicators that will allow to understand the regional progress in guaranteeing the right to education for students on the move. This dimension considers the indicators used in the national education plans, as well as those agreed internationally in the Framework of Thematic Indicators of SDG 4 and contemplates the strengthening of the capacities to use these indicators for the planning of educational interventions. In its qualitative dimension, the monitoring system will contain a normative map of national policies for the educational inclusion of students on the move, which strengthens the monitoring and dissemination of innovative experiences or good practices of educational inclusion in the countries of the region.
When the online platform is available and the MoEs and stakeholders have full access to the regional system and its components it will be possible to measure the impacts more in detail by 2023.
Additionally, this system will benefit different educational actors such as policymakers, teachers unions, students, and their families, by disseminating relevant information about educational inclusion. This will contribute to the fulfillment of migrants' and refugees’ right to education.

Key Lessons

The initiative is currently under implementation. There are no key lessons learned yet.

Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

In order to replicate or develop a similar system, it will be necessary to generate commitment and participation of key actors involved in the process of the specific field or topic they are part of (e.g. education). This is a key factor to create a monitoring system that takes into account the needs of the users.

Another important recommendation is to consider that these types of practices require flexibility in terms of planning, reviewing and editing or modifying its components, if necessary. This is due to the fact that when developing the project it is necessary to generate constant feedback processes with the stakeholders, especially during the implementation stage.


This project is innovative in the sense that it is creating an online and open-access platform that presents information at a regional level. This new approach will provide regional indicators which are new in this field and will be developed by gathering MoEs technical teams.
Another innovative aspect is that a repository of good practices for students on the move inclusion is a new tool available in the field to be used by stakeholders and policymakers. The fact that this project is under constant revision and update by the stakeholders makes it sustainable.
A monitoring system for students on the move could be implemented at other levels such as at the global one.


Migration Network Hub - UNESCO Santiago

Date submitted:

08 February 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).