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16 - Inclusion and social cohesion

16 - Inclusion and social cohesion

GCM Objectives
16 - Inclusion and social cohesion

Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) sets out 23 objectives. This page provides resources for objective 16 (Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion):

‘’32. We commit to foster inclusive and cohesive societies by empowering migrants to become active members of society and promoting the reciprocal engagement of receiving communities and migrants in the exercise of their rights and obligations towards each other, including observance of national laws and respect for customs of the country of destination. We further commit to strengthen the welfare of all members of societies by minimizing disparities, avoiding polarization and increasing public confidence in policies and institutions related to migration, in line with the acknowledgement that fully integrated migrants are better positioned to contribute to prosperity.

To realize this commitment, we will draw from the following actions:

(a) Promote mutual respect for the cultures, traditions and customs of communities of destination and of migrants by exchanging and implementing best practices on integration policies, programmes and activities, including on ways to promote acceptance of diversity and facilitate social cohesion and inclusion;

(b) Establish comprehensive and needs-based pre-departure and post-arrival programmes that may include rights and obligations, basic language training, as well as orientation about social norms and customs in the country of destination;

(c) Develop national short-, medium- and long-term policy goals regarding the inclusion of migrants in societies, including on labour market integration, family reunification, education, non-discrimination and health, including by fostering partnerships with relevant stakeholders;

(d) Work towards inclusive labour markets and full participation of migrant workers in the formal economy by facilitating access to decent work and employment for which they are most qualified, in accordance with local and national labour market demands and skills supply;

(e) Empower migrant women by eliminating gender-based discriminatory restrictions on formal employment, ensuring the right to freedom of association and facilitating access to relevant basic services, as measures to promote their leadership and guarantee their full, free and equal participation in society and the economy;

(f) Establish community centres or programmes at the local level to facilitate migrant participation in the receiving society by involving migrants, community members, diaspora organizations, migrant associations and local authorities in intercultural dialogue, sharing of stories, mentorship programmes and development of business ties that improve integration outcomes and foster mutual respect;

(g) Capitalize on the skills, cultural and language proficiency of migrants and receiving communities by developing and promoting peer-to-peer training exchanges, gender-responsive, vocational and civic integration courses and workshops;

(h) Support multicultural activities through sports, music, arts, culinary festivals, volunteering and other social events that will facilitate mutual understanding and appreciation of migrant cultures and those of destination communities;

(i) Promote school environments that are welcoming and safe, and support the aspirations of migrant children by enhancing relationships within the school community, incorporating evidence-based information about migration into education curricula, and dedicating targeted resources to schools with a high concentration of migrant children for integration activities in order to promote respect for diversity and inclusion, and to prevent all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and intolerance." (GCM, 2018, para. 32)

Key areas of interest and activities related to objective 16 may include: orienting and training migrants; facilitating labour market inclusion; preparing and empowering host communities; enabling social networks and relations; providing direct assistance and services; raising awareness and countering xenophobia; and advancing policy development and research. The resources featured below include generic material produced by key actors in the area of inclusion and social cohesion. Additionally, geographically specific information is included, as social inclusion and cohesion is context specific. 

Objective 16 in the text of the Global Compact

Objective 16 is also mentioned and or relevant to the following sections of the GCM:

  • Objective 6 (para. 22)
  • Objective 7 (para. 23)
  • Objective 17 (para. 33)
  • Objective 18 (para. 34)
  • Objective 20 (para. 36)
  • Objective 21 (para. 37)
  • Objective 22 (para. 38)

The Global Compact for Migration (GCM) report is available in AR, ZH, EN, FR, RU, ES.

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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).