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Repository of Practices

Reference Guide for GCM reporting for the Government of Albania

Primary GCM Objectives

GCM Guiding Principles*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2021 - Present

Type of practice

Policy (including law, public measure)

Geographic scope



Sub Regions:


The Reference Guide for Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) reporting for the Government of Albania was prepared with the purpose of further strengthening government capacities to plan for and participate actively in the 2022 International Migration Review Forum, Regional Forums and, on an ad-hoc basis, follow-up opportunities. The guide is in response to the Government of Albania’s request for support and commitment to reporting in general, and specifically with regards the National Strategy on Migration (2019-2022) (NSM) and associated Action Plan (AP), the GCM, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and EU accession priorities, with the aim to further facilitate alignment of the government’s strategies and action plans with international frameworks in future, and support prioritization. The mapping of the interlinkages that exist among the GCM, the SDGs, EU accession priorities and the NSM and AP in Albania is important given the relevance of these frameworks on the migration policy topic, their different perspectives and the synergies deriving from achieving their specific objectives. Furthermore, mapping of the interlinkages supports and facilitates the reporting of progress made in the migration policy area through the various national, regional or global forums. In addition to reporting purposes, this mapping of interlinkages is useful in developing the GCM national implementation plans on one side and in developing the review of the NSM on the other side. This tool will be very useful for the GoA in the development of the new migration governance policy, enabling the policy to be better rooted in the GCM and help the prioritization of the GCM objectives in line with national priorities on migration governance.


Main Implementing Organization(s)

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Detailed Information

IOM Albania

Partner/Donor Organizations

Government of Albania

Benefit and Impact

Several Government of Albania entities will benefit from this Reference Guide to strengthening their capacities in aligning the implementation and the review of national instruments such as the NSM with the GCM as well as the SDGs and EU accession priorities. This is expected to contribute to better migration governance through boosting the implementation of the NSM and AP in alignment with international frameworks and terminology and the GCM Objectives as agreed by Member State. As a result, this is expected to have a positive impact for the direct beneficiaries i.e. migrants from, to and through Albania as well as the overall Albanian society.

Key Lessons


Recommendations(if the practice is to be replicated)

The practice identifies the direct linkages that exist between national policies and strategies, GCM, SDG’s and EU accession priorities and how actions in the context of implementation of the national policy contribute to them. This, besides streamlining reporting across the frameworks, also enhances a comprehensive view of the relevance of national migration governance vs global frameworks.

Whilst taking a national approach, this practice is easily adapted as a template for, and by, other Member States to impress upon the importance of reporting in order to assess progress made, identify areas for development, and provide points of comparison and sharing of good practices with other Member State governments.


The practice is being successfully applied in several contexts at local level in Albania. First, it is serving as a guide for government officials in charge of migration governance in Albania to better understand the GCM and the interlinkages with the national policy.
Second, it will help these officials to further strengthen capacities to develop voluntary written reports for the 2022 IMRF.
Third, it is being used as a tool for the national review process of the NSM to bring it more in line with the GCM as well as SDG’s and EU accession priorities, in order to ensure a better governed migration in Albania for the benefit of all.

The mapping of the interlinkages that exist among the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration, 2030 Agenda, EU accession priorities and the strategic framework on migration in Albania, is really an example of a creative innovative approach in combining their different perspectives and interlinkages. This type of document is developed for the first time in Albania and will support all the stakeholders involved to capture and report contribution to the achievement of the GCM objectives in the context they operate, be it Government institutions working to implement the NSM and AP or EU accession priorities, UN agencies working towards achieving SDGs. This enables the government stakeholders to contemporarily assess progress in the achievement of the GCM, SDGs and EU accession priorities through the implementation of the NSM and AP and vice versa. This will streamline reporting and increase efficiency, using the same information and sources for several reporting exercises.

Date submitted:

26 January 2022

Disclaimer: The content of this practice reflects the views of the implementers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Network on Migration, and its members.



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).